Friday’s SHAC Blog

Hi there, craft crafters. How are we all doing today? Well, I hope. It’s Friday. Any weekend plans? I know they won’t be major plans, but we can still make small plans to be productive and add structure to the day, right? Even if it’s a simple bit of gardening, for instance.

I’ll be in the garden this weekend decanting 1600kg of gravel onto the raised bed at the back of my garden for a nice patio area. I do like a gravel patio! Got the delivery this afternoon – well, my mum did – she’s looking after the chickens while we’re both at work. I reckon this is going to take a few hours!

2 big bags to slowly decant and transport!

Anyway, that’s Saturday. Back to Friday. And, if you’ll remember (although I’m reticent to remind you) I sent out the wrong Groovi SHAC project last week, I chose one we did a while ago. Sorry. There is a logical reason for it, but I’d rather it didn’t happen. Nevertheless, as if often the way, good can come from bad.

You see, our Groovi SHAC project regular contributor, Katharine Peace, who is really quick off the mark with these projects, I might add, did create the first #44 (which was actually the same as #3). And on Groovi Worldwide, she very kindly posted her ‘fake’ #44 with her original #3. Make sense?

Basically, Katharine completed the project nearly a year ago and then created it a week ago, and the results are very different. Not loads different, there is enough continuity to see that the inspiration came from the same place, but I really love how Katharine has followed the same instructions on two separate occasions and managed to create two different looking but equally beautiful designs. It’s a real testament to the strength of the projects Hazel has been creating, plus the versatility of our Groovi products. So a big thanks to Katharine especially for sharing the inspiration this week!

The original #3 by Katharine Peace
The ‘fake’ #3 which was briefly #44!

If you’d like to download this week’s project, you can do so below.

Well, that will do from me. Don’t forget to tune into the TV shows this weekend, and if you didn’t read Wednesday’s blog, why not read that, too? There’s a little competition happened that’s well worth a little look through ๐Ÿ˜‰

By for now,


8 thoughts on “Friday’s SHAC Blog

  • 5th March 2021 at 3:59 pm

    Hi Stuart, looks a hard weekend for you, easier to be at work I reckon ! Hope it keeps dry for you. I nearly posted the one I did for challenge 4 (I did two of them for birthday cards at the time !). It was a good reminder of what we have done, canโ€™t believe it was that long ago though ! Enjoy shovelling ! X

  • 5th March 2021 at 5:24 pm

    Hope tomorrow stays dry for you so you can move the gravel to its new home. I am sure the chickens will help you even if they only use a small bucket that is normally used on the beach. They will feel useful & occupied for a few hours.
    Love the comparison between the 2 pieces using the same project sheet = I failed this week to complete either project so will try harder next week !! I have been trying to finish off a number of projects that had been put to one side to start something new but as some were meant for Christmas presents that due to lockdown haven’t yet been delivered but a date is now set for July so I have decided to crack on now so they are all ready. Its surprising how quickly the weeks are flying by as shown by it being week 45 for the Groovi SHAC already.

  • 5th March 2021 at 5:30 pm

    Hi Stuart have a good time in your garden. We have no plans. Take care. Hugs xxx

  • 5th March 2021 at 5:52 pm

    Good luck with the shovelling. I hope you have warned your muscles.

  • 5th March 2021 at 7:56 pm

    Stunning work, Katharine. Don’t overdo it, Stuart, or you won’t be able to move by Monday! Hx

  • 5th March 2021 at 7:58 pm

    Hi Stuart, Wow, you are in for a lot of hard work this weekend, but it will look lovely when it is finished. I have spent the last 3 afternoons getting all the leaves out of my borders at the front and three quarters of the back garden, and also weeding and turning over the soil and trimming up my hydrangea plants, I have another afternoon to go before I finish the back garden, my back is complaining so I don’t know how your back will feel after all your shovelling, but you have youth on your side hahaha.
    Hope it all goes well.
    Love from Patricia xx

  • 5th March 2021 at 9:23 pm

    Hi Stuart, you will be very fit by Monday! Have fun. I hope to do some weeding. Thank you, Katherine, for sharing so generously. Are you amazed how much your work has changed?


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