Which Wolf Will You Feed?

Hello hello! Grace here.

I’m sure you’ve heard by now that nearly everyone at Clarity Towers is working from home now, trying to keep the good ship Clarity afloat in this storm!

Whilst we’re all indoors, I want to share some Cherokee wisdom with you! (No, I am not part Cherokee. I wish!). I think we can all agree that drastic situations, such as these, bring out the best and worst in people. And so this story really hit home, more than usual, and I wanted to share!

The Story of Two Wolves

An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life.

“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, lies, false pride, ego and feelings of inferiority or superiority.”

He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”


Whether or not this is your first time reading the story, I think it serves as an important reminder of the power we have over our own experiences and emotions! It’s quite empowering to know that WE are the ones who feed the wolves and choose which wolf thrives. Particularly whilst we are indoors, with just ourselves for company! I’d like that company to be nice company.

Quite simply, the two wolves represent our positive and negative emotions. And though some days, you just have to ride the negative wave until it passes (‘tomorrow will be better’) I believe that it’s generally worth trying to fight off the bad wolf, as much as is possible!

For example, Monday was my birthday. Let’s get real. The first half of the day, the bad wolf was definitely winning. Sorrow, self pity and resentment were all floating around, for various reasons. And then I decided to turn it around, called a few friends that I knew would lift my spirits, wrote a gratitude list (to remind myself that I had far more to be grateful for than sad about) and put on some music… and suddenly the GOOD wolf won for the remainder of the day… and in fact for the rest of the week.

What about your craft projects? Or posting your art online? I’m sure there’s been plenty of examples of not feeling happy with what you’ve created, not getting the recognition you expected after so much work, thinking that other people are better, luckier, more popular or more skilled… and that’s the bad wolf coming out to play. For as long as you allow him to.

My Mum has been battling the bad wolf all week. Self-serving people tugging and pecking at her when she’s just trying to help keep the business going for everybody. I watch her. She growls back a bit, then she puts her funny hat on and turns it round. There comes the good wolf again! One of the things she often says when a day goes wrong really early and the bad wolf surfaces even before breakfast, is “It’s never too late to start your day again”.

No matter what our external circumstances are at the moment, we are ALL in this together. We are all (pretty much) stuck indoors with ourselves (and Clarity) for company. And we ALL have both wolves.

So we have to remember that. Everyone has both wolves. And something we say or do to someone else, can absolutely help THEIR bad or good wolf thrive for some time. So let’s be all of the good wolf things.

The bad wolf (negative thoughts) will drain the energy from our minds and bodies. We need energy right now. The good wolf (positive thoughts) is self supportive, kind, compassionate and loving. I know which one I’m going to feed!

Which wolf will you feed?

Lotsa love, Grace xoxo

Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft and Well-being.

29 thoughts on “Which Wolf Will You Feed?

  • 26th March 2020 at 2:28 pm

    Trying to feed the good wolf here Grace. Keeping up the daily blog. Looks as though I’ll only be working from home now as I have been taken off the rota for going into school (presumably as I have asthma) . I have plenty of work to keep me busy and will craft in between. Keep safe and craft on.

  • 26th March 2020 at 2:30 pm

    Great Post Grace. The good wolf, I hope. Take care and stay safe.

    • 30th March 2020 at 5:55 pm

      I would half what I had and feed both…..

  • 26th March 2020 at 2:42 pm

    Hi Grace, love reading your posts the wolf story is always good to remind us that we have control over how we feel about situations, and some days you just have to accept the bad wolf will rise just that bit higher and stronger…but not for long! I am so grateful at the moment that I have craft to keep me busy, i think watching endless TV would be making me go a bit stir crazy at the moment. Keep safe. XX

  • 26th March 2020 at 2:53 pm

    Lovely blog Grace. The Cherokee were very wise. Fortunately the good wolf has been dominant in this house for the last few days, feeling very upbeat and getting on with plenty of crafting.
    Love that cat picture, put a grin on my face.
    Those who tug and peck at your mum should be ashamed of themselves. I don’t know of anyone more caring for others or with a bigger heart.
    Keep safe and well Grace.

  • 26th March 2020 at 3:01 pm

    Love your tales, there is always a positive to ever negative, we may just have to look a bit further to find it sometimes. Tried phoning my 91 year old mother yesterday to check in & see how she was. She was on the phone for what seemed like ages – when I finally got through & asked her who had been on the phone she said she was trying to phone one of her friends every day that she knew would be on their own so they could have a chat. A lovely thoughtful thing to do.
    We are lucky to have the Clarity family on Facebook whether it is Groovi, Clarity or our smaller satellite groups that have grown over the last year or 2. By accident yesterday 4 of the Bromsgrove parchers ended up on a video messenger call for about 20 minutes. It was lovely seeing their faces & catching up with them.
    Stay safe everyone & Grace I look forward to reading your next blog on Tuesday.x

  • 26th March 2020 at 3:17 pm

    A timely reminder Grace, Thank You, very wise words, take care, stay safe, and hugs thanks for all of your uplifting supportive posts ♥️🙏

  • 26th March 2020 at 3:23 pm

    Thank you so much for helping to keep us all in a good frame of mind; Lord knows we need it now more than ever before! So grateful to have found Clarity, your Mom and you – much needed safety net for me…stay safe and stay strong.

    • 26th March 2020 at 4:48 pm

      Lovely words again Grace,we all need to keep the bad wolf out the door, but not always easy, the good wolf will always make you feel better, gave the craft room a spring clean today and am now ready to bring the groovi plates out again.I have been keeping a daily journal through this time using my crafting stash to stamp,sew,groovi something to go with my daily thoughts, find it very therapeutic, keep safe.

  • 26th March 2020 at 3:34 pm

    Hi Grace
    Very wise words from the Cherokee. I’m trying very hard to be the good wolf although I struggle at times especially when I saw what was happening in the supermarkets last week! I’m very thankful that I have my crafting to keep me busy (& of course attempting to teach myself the ukulele!). Take care and stay safe, love Alison xx

  • 26th March 2020 at 3:49 pm

    Hi Grace
    Just love your story very apt. Just what we need

    Stay safe

  • 26th March 2020 at 4:14 pm

    Thank you Grace, I’m trying to keep my good wolf well fed & the bad one in the cupboard! You and your mum are helping so much with this because of your posts so thank you x

    • 26th March 2020 at 10:52 pm

      Hi Grace
      Just received delivery of a new garden office for my other halves pottery but because of the lockdown we couldn’t get anyone to put it up bad wolf definitely won then we discussed our options and decided we have 3 weeks to have a go ourselves so the good wolf was feed and watered. So spare a thought 💭 for 2 not so young women putting up a 14 ft by 11 ft cabin that should makes people smile. But apart from the roof which will be too heavy we shall carry on and the Jackie will be able to do pottery again. Thanks for the story it makes you 🤔

  • 26th March 2020 at 4:17 pm

    Thank you Grace. Trying to keep my good wolf well fed and the posts from you and your mum are helping with that so much so thank you. Stay safe and crafty everyone x

  • 26th March 2020 at 4:28 pm

    Wonderful blog. Stay safe.

  • 26th March 2020 at 4:49 pm

    Hi Grace

    Great story and brilliant philosophy from our Cherokee friends. Ironically as I was reading your blog I was listening to some music from a CD titled Spirit of the Wolf and the track is called Wolf Wisdom!
    Put a big smile on my face – I know which wolf I’m feeding at the moment!
    You and the whole of Clarity are doing a wonderful thing in helping to keep us crafters in the right frame of mind – Clarity Matters!
    Stay safe, take care and keep on blogging.

  • 26th March 2020 at 5:22 pm

    Hi Grace, it’s good to be reminded of that story. There is so much wisdom out there that we can draw on to boost our energy and to remind ourselves of what really matters in life. I’m glad you turned your day round on your birthday and that your mum is managing to do the same on a daily basis. she has had some really hard decisions to make this week, some that will have been made for her so it is even more important than ever to support her rather than dragging her down. When we drag others down, we are only feeding the bad wolf in ourselves at the end of the day. Stay positive, Grace, and on the days you are not, let us all spoon feed the good wolf in you if need be, just as you and your mum do for us. Take care. Lots of love and cyber hugs, Hilda xx

  • 26th March 2020 at 7:50 pm

    The good wolf for me today, hope your good wolf will win in the days ahead Grace. Love reading your blogs as I do your lovely Mum’s, thank you. You take care and stay safe Grace.xxx

  • 26th March 2020 at 8:39 pm

    In the last year for various reasons, I had become very angry at the world. Almost everything I said was negative. A couple of weeks ago my son pointed this out to me and since then I have really tried to avoid the trap of seeing and imagining the worst.
    I’d never heard this story before. I like the imagery of choosing which side of you to feed. Right now I’m trying to avoid the news, but for every bad story I read (gave up on television news years ago) I search out something joyful.
    Today I’m also stamping out my doodleology stamps. I’ve embossed them too. Going to make a bunch, so I will be able to make up some quick cards.

  • 26th March 2020 at 9:04 pm

    Thanks Grace. Reminds me of a Clarity stamp I have which, if I remember it correctly, says “we can’t stop the wind, but we can adjust the sails!”

  • 26th March 2020 at 9:54 pm

    Hi Grace.
    You are such a wise woman for one so young! And before you say anything you’re young to me!!
    I’m trying hard to keep the good wolf on guard here although a few times the bad wolf has shown its face. However once you see it it’s possible to get rid quite quickly by changing habits and learned responses.
    What is quite amazing is how quiet it’s become round here. Like a sleepy Sunday morning all the time! And tonight the silence was shattered with the sound of people clapping and cheering for the people working on the front line. Super heros the lot of them.
    And tomorrow is a day closer to the end of all this. Another day to care care and stay safe but another day to be kind and considerate to others.
    Love and hugs Xxxx

  • 27th March 2020 at 7:52 am

    Thank you so much for this Grace, I have seen it before, but such a great reminder of how to balance our lives. Belated Happy Birthday young lady. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  • 27th March 2020 at 10:39 am

    I first read this legend in Deborah Harkness’ “The Book of Life” . On the surface it appears quite simple but I found it quite profound. It illustrates clearly the internal struggles we all face on a daily .
    I am trying to feed the good wolf, especially during this trying time.
    Thank you for publicising this ancient legend.
    Be well, stay well andbe kind to each other

  • 27th March 2020 at 9:17 pm

    Excellent blog. I’m all about the good wolf. Take care little taco

  • 28th March 2020 at 3:36 pm

    Loved the story of the two wolves, thank you for helping us to think of positive thoughts in this present climate! Take care, xxxxx

  • 28th March 2020 at 11:21 pm

    Happy belated birthday!

  • 30th March 2020 at 4:59 pm

    Have only just found this. Must admit there has been a bit of a tug of war between the wolves here. Self pity, why me etc etc. Then I’ve seen all the good wishes from everyone online and I can’t help but count my blessings.

    I choose to feed the positive wolf and starve the bad one. Thank you for that timely word Grace xx

  • 15th July 2020 at 4:01 pm

    Lovely story and reminder for people. Thank you very much Grace for writing this and sharing it. When I read your work I think you’re a chip off the old block. Did I call her old? You know what I mean and it was said in jest with affection for you both.

  • 13th March 2021 at 1:27 pm

    Happy birthday Barbara from nicola


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