Clarity’s Blog Tutorial: How To Create A Frame Using The Charles Duet Plate
Hello hello! Grace here.
I hope this finds you all safe and well!
The wonderful Josie Davidson is back in our virtual bubble with a STUNNING step-by-step project for you to try!
The name may be familiar with you if you are into your parchment craft. Josie is Queen of the grids! She takes all of the hard work out of creating beautiful lace frames and borders. If you watched the Pergamano Show on Hochanda on Thursday 18th February, you will have seen my mum and Paul launch the brand new Groovi Plate Mate for Grids – a genius collaboration between my mum and Josie – it flew out the door!

If you missed the shows, you can watch via the Hochanda website
– 11am – HERE
– 3pm – HERE

I’ll hand you over to the pro herself…
A5 Square Plate Mate (GRO-MA-40002-07)
or the NEW Plate Mate for Grids (GRO-CO-41706-08)
A6 Plate Mate (GRO-MA-40748-18)
Charles Lace Border Plate (GRO-GG-41201-12)
Ballooning plate (GRO-TV-40665-02)
Barbara’s Months & Numbers Plate (GRO-WO-41606-03)
A5 Square Basic Straight Grid Plate (GRO-GG-40202-12)
Picot foam (GRO-AC-40625-XX)
Super foam (GRO-AC-40603-A4)
Pergamano scissors or snips
Pergamano 1, 2 and 4 needle bold tools (PER-TO-70342-XX)
Groovi 1 and 2 tool (GRO-AC-40026-XX)
Perga Colours Exclusive No’s 2, 23 and 29 (PER-CO-70060-XX)
Amazonia designer paper (ACC-CA-31034-88)
7 x 7 White Card Blank (ACC-CA-30619-77)
Pergamano Pastel Brads (PER-AC-70270-XX)
Groovi Guard & Groovi Tabs
A4 Translucent Parchment (GRO-AC-40024-XX)

When I created this project, the Groovi Plate Mate for Grids was still in development so I used the original Plate Mate from the Starter Kit – it would have been so much easier if I had used the new Plate Mate for Grids as it really aids the lining up of the parchment in order to complete a perfect frame.
Step 1. Place your Charles Grid Border Plate into your A5 plate mate with the ‘emboss this side up’ facing you. Hold it in place with a Groovi Tab. Line your piece of parchment up along two sides of the Charles plate (where it meets the plate mate) and tape it into place – this will help with lining up as you turn your work around. Using your # 2 Groovi tool, emboss the inner line of dots and the outer sets of two dots on the plate. Also emboss some of the inner dots.

Step 2. You need 11 of the points between each corner, so turn your parchment and realign the dots you have made with the ones on the plate – we call this making registration marks.

Step 3. Carry on until you have completed the last corner.

Step 4. Once you know that your work is meeting up, then you can emboss all of the dots of the design. Also emboss the teardrop shapes with your # 1 Groovi tool – these are going to be coloured in, so the shape needs to have a crisp white line.

Step 5. Turn your plate over so that you can read ‘perforate this side up’ and then again attach it to your plate mate to prevent it from moving. Turn your parchment over and align your embossed dots inside the perforating holes on the plate, tape securely. Perforate the holes in the grid using your needle tools.

Step 6. Work around all of the squares until all of the holes are perforated.

Step 7. Working on the back of the parchment emboss Happy Birthday and the balloons using your Groovi # 1 tool as shown.

Step 8. Emboss patterns inside the balloons using your No 2 Groovi tool and the straight grid. If you have the new Groovi Plate Mate for Grids, you can use some of the patterns on your plate to infill the design.

Step 9. Colour the balloons and the teardrop shapes on the back of the work with the Pergacolours exclusive directly onto the parchment – try not to press on but let the nib skim over the parchment.

Step 10. Using either your scissors or snips cut out the slots and crosses in the lace border. Finally cut around the outer edge – cut the wider gaps first as then you will get a neater picot.

Step 11. Cut your designer paper to fit your card blank and attach your finished piece to it using the brads. Use double sided tape to attach this to your card blank.

Voila! What a beautiful card. Thank you, Josie!
I’m sure loads of you will want to recreate this 🙂 If you do have a go, feel free to email them to me! – I would love to see your work.
You can find all the ingredients HERE
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Lotsa love, Grace xo
Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft and Well-being.
Thanks for this, I’m going to wait until me new platemate arrives. (No hurry]
Rally loving Groovi Sundays 💖
Hello, I’m unable to print out the instructions from Josie’s balloon project from today, I don’t see any download button like there is in the Friday Groovi Shack, which I’m able to print ok. Can you tell me how to print it please,
Thank you Linda x
Hi Linda! It’s not the same format as the Groovi SHAC. My only suggestion is to copy and paste the whole blog into a word document, and print from there? Grace xo
Thanks Grace and to Josie for this step by step. My new plate mate is on its way and although I have done many cards using my duet plates, this will make it so much easier. I am also amazed at the number of borders that have been included. Genius! Happy Sunday. Hugs. Annette X
Thanks Gracie and Josie, I cant wait to get the new plate mate, I really love the grids although I often make mistakes!! But it was good to see how Josie plots them out. You are all so generous in sharing your expertise, thank you.
I do hope Barbara is feeling better she is very special to us shackers
Hi Grace this is a brilliant project. I love it. I have ordered that plate. I am completely happy to wait. I hope your mum is okay. Take care. Hugs xxx
Thank you for these tutorial Grace!!
It’s so different to how I learned to do Parchment in the eighties!
But I still love it to do.
Hope your Mum will take a rest this week.
Take care and stay save.
Lots of love, Trijntje Huppel
Love this step by step tutorial Josie, that is my project sorted out for next week. Thank you
So glad your mum is feeling better and having a week off , hugs julie xxx
Hi Grace, Thank you Josie, this is positively stunning !! I am always in awe at these tutorials, and I thank you so much for the inspiration.
Love from Patricia xx
Thank you Grace and Josie,
Another project to add to the collection.