Saturday Share! But on a Monday!
Hi there, Grace here.
I hope this finds you all safe & coping alright?
Firstly, I want to apologize… I was in such a strange place last week, I didn’t manage to get Saturdays blog put together and published. So I’m doing it today… Better late than never!
I could just publish it, and act as though it was never missed… but what’s the point? Clarity is the home of Art, Craft & WELLBEING. If I lie about my wellbeing whilst posting your Art, then that’s not Clarity is it?
As I’m sure you’re aware, there is A LOT going on in the world at the moment. And even more going on in America right now. My heart was so heavy and in despair last week that I COMPLETELY spaced this one responsibility. That doesn’t happen often to me, and I completed all of my other jobs… but for some reason Saturdays blog absolutely did not make the cut into my chockerblock brain last week. I’m sure it’s happened to the best of us (never my Mum though! And she blogs EVERY day. Impressive). And this is why we write lists when we become overwhelmed!
But here we are… I’m sure you will notice that my BEAUTIFUL picks of the week all have something in common. To me, their message is just as beautiful as the art. And they calmed my anguished soul on this Monday morning in New York City. They are uplifting and hopeful.
Please have a look at my favourite picks of last week. I LOVE them!

All five of these cards are absolutely wonderful, and I thank you all for creating them.
Back to it this week, with hopefully a little more focus & calm ๐
Stay safe and well, we’re here if you need us.
Lotsa Love, Grace xoxo
Clarity โ The Home of Art, Craft and Well-being.
Hi there Grace! Thanks for putting my humble little PTC on your blog. Thought it was an appropriate message for so many people in these troubled times. It reminded me of your blog relating the story of the black wolf and the white wolf…..keep feeding positivity! Wishing you well & letโs all hope for better days ahead. Xx
All sun makes a desert, Grace. We learn a lot from testing times and some great things come from them when we look back. Look at where your strengths grew from and you will find some are rooted in dirt, same as the rest of us. I am just glad you are safe. I turned to you on Saturday after hearing Paul Krugman say that the US had thrown away its place as leader of the Western world – so I’m delighted you are back! What have you learned?
Grace – another lovely selection of cards, congratulations to all the makers.
Really glad to hear you’re OK, although I can understand why you might be finding things a bit tough at the moment; you’re in my thoughts and prayers.
Stay strong, be safe, and look after yourself
Love, Claire x
I was thinking about you earlier when we were watching Panorama which was showing how things are in parts of New York & then down in New Hampshire. I said to my husband ”no wonder Grace hasn’t been outside ”. Sorry to hear things were not so good for you over the weekend, hopefully you will remain in a better place this week & going forward. Lovely artwork again this week, thanks for sharing. It doesn’t matter which day – they all seem to blend into one another at the moment. Take care xx
Sending you a virtual hug, Grace. Better times will come so keep the faith.
With love
We are all so overwhelmed by all that is happening in the US at the moment Grace. No wonder you are struggling to make sense of what is outside your front door. Your choices are all very poignant and beautiful – thank you for sharing them and be kind to yourself always x
Hi there, Grace, You always have to do what is right for you, particularly at this time, and no apology is needed. Really hoping you have a better week this week. Slow and steady wins the race. Lovely cards again, Grace. Thank you for sharing them with us. Take care. Hx