Clarity’s Blog Tutorial: How to Pattern Build with Groovi Hearts

Hello hello! Grace here.

I hope this finds you safe, well & coping with life on this gentle Sunday…

Happy Valentine’s Day! From us to you, we hope that your day is full of love! Whether that be from a partner, family member, pet or some self-love! I know it’s just a ‘made up’ day to many (and we’re certainly not able to celebrate ‘normally’ this year) but I like to think of it as a day where we’re forced to just focus on LOVE. And that’s okay, especially these days 🙂

I found this cute Clarity poem from a couple years ago! Still applies 😉

I’m sure there’s a lot of sadness in many many homes on Valentines Day, this year particularly. Let’s think of those people, and gently send them our love. Tell those important people in your life that you LOVE them… because you just never know what’s around the corner. And tell those that are no longer with us too! Tell them. Love lives on. I’m pretty sure of it.

And to keep it all about love today, guess whose back in the virtual building?!
Of course, it’s Jane Telford! She’s got the right colour hair for the day! 😉 I’ll hand you over to the pro herself…

Jane here!

As with my previous blog project I took a sample I had done for the TV shows (when the Heart Groovi plate first came out). 

I love to pattern build and take elements from the plates and design something that doesn’t look like the original… until you look carefully. As you will see in this project I have changed the colours from the original sample but you can see how by changing colours it really alters the overall look of the design. I think I actually prefer the new one better!

Original Artwork


Linda’s Heart Sampler A4 Sq Plate (GRO-LO-41226-15)
Nested Squares Extension & Alphabet Frame A4 Sq Plate (GRO-WO-40538-15)
Celtic Alphabet, A4 Sq PlateMate & Sticker Tabs Plate Set (GRO-WO-40906-XX)
Plain A5 Parchment (GRO-AC-40020-XX)
Pale Blue A5 Parchment (GRO-AC-40190-A5)
Semi Circle Mini (10237) Perforating Tool (PER-TO-70034-XX)
Sweet Dreams Designer Paper (ACC-CA-30442-88)
Perga Colours Exclusives (PER-CO-70060-XX)
White Brads x9 (PER-AC-70269-XX)
8 x 8 Card Blanks (ACC-CA-30620-88)


Step 1. Take a piece of A5 plain parchment and line it up over the heart design, so the point of the heart is in the centre of the parchment. Rub it with a tumble dryer sheet and then emboss the right-hand side of the heart outline only. (Pics 1 & 2)

Step 2. Turn the parchment 180° and emboss the right-hand side of the heart again so that they meet at the centre point. (pic 3)

Step 3. Turn the parchment 90° and repeat embossing half the heart. Use the lines on the plate to help you make sure the parchment is straight. (Pics 4 & 5)

Step 4. Turn the parchment 180° and emboss the 4th half a heart. 

Step 5. Position the parchment over the heart as shown in the picture, to fill in the hearts in between. (pic 6)

Repeat until all 4 in between hearts are done. Now relocate the parchment over each heart in turn to emboss the pattern on the inside. (pics 7 & 8 ) 

Step 6. Working on the back… ( Pic 9 )

… do the white work in the dots within the pattern.  ( pic 10) 

Step 7. Shallow perforate around the shape using the mini semi-circle tool (Pic 11)

Add white work within each semi-circle of this edge. ( Pic 12)

Step 8. Colour the hearts using Perga colours. (pic 13)

Step 9. Re-perforate and cut the shape out. (pic 14 and 15) 

Put this to one side.

Step 10. Using the pale blue parchment emboss the central frame (Pic 16 &17)

Step 11. Randomly emboss the patterns within the heart plate around the internal edges of the square to create the background. It doesn’t need to go completely into the centre. (Pic 18, 19 &20)

Step 12. Shallow perforate around the square with the mini semi-circle tool. Do white work in the edge and also in the dots within the background. (Pic 21 & 22) 

Step 13. Reperforate the edge and cut away the waste. ( Pic 23, 24 & 25)

Step 14. Cut a piece of designer paper to measure 7×7 inch. 

Step 15. Layer up the paper and parchment and join them together with brads.

Step 16. Attach to the front of an 8×8 inch card blank. (PIc 26)

Ta da!!!!

What a fabulous card. Thank you Jane! Beautiful, as always.

You can find everything you need in one place HERE

It’s amazing what you can achieve when you follow one step at a time! I think the SHAC SHAC has shown us that, eh?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Lotsa love, Grace xo

Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft and Well-being.

13 thoughts on “Clarity’s Blog Tutorial: How to Pattern Build with Groovi Hearts

  • 14th February 2021 at 12:44 pm

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
    This project looks wonderful. I might try the centrepiece using the stamps and see if I can make it work. Thanks for the inspiration Jane.

  • 14th February 2021 at 2:02 pm

    I cant wait to give it a go!

  • 14th February 2021 at 2:23 pm

    merci Jane pour cette superbe idée

  • 14th February 2021 at 2:41 pm

    What a brilliant project, thanks Jane. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone xx

  • 14th February 2021 at 3:09 pm

    Happy valentine’s day xxx love this project and I prefer the blue one too, a bit advanced for me but I can still take out elements to use thank you
    Julie xxx

  • 14th February 2021 at 3:29 pm

    Happy Valentines Day everyone.
    I’m following your Groovi Sunday projects Jane, they are inspiring.

  • 14th February 2021 at 3:36 pm

    A lovely project for Valentine’s day!
    Thank you Jane and Barbara!
    Lots of love, Trijntje Huppel

  • 14th February 2021 at 4:04 pm

    Just so beautiful.

  • 14th February 2021 at 6:10 pm

    What a stunning design Jane. Thank you for sharing 😊

  • 14th February 2021 at 6:44 pm

    Thanks Grace & Jane for our next Groovi Sunday project, just goes to show how you can change the look of a design on a Groovi plate in to something totally different.

  • 14th February 2021 at 8:11 pm

    Hi Grace, Thank you Jane for your fabulous tutorial, the groovi is beautiful.
    I hope everyone has had some ‘love’ today, it was my hubby’s Birthday today too, so we always have a lovely Valentine’s/Birthday day.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  • 14th February 2021 at 11:40 pm

    Čudoviti projekti, hvala zanje. Meni veliko pomenijo, da se lahko naučim tudi v brezplačnih vadnicah. Ker imam majhno pokojnino in pri nas ni nikakršnih tečajev za pergamentno tehniko sem zelo srečna, da se lahko naučim preko vaših projektov. Hvala še enkrat.
    Wonderful projects, thank you for them. They mean a lot to me that I can also learn in free tutorials. Since I have a small pension and we do not have any parchment technique courses, I am very happy to be able to learn through your projects. Thanks again.

  • 15th February 2021 at 9:30 am

    Hi Grace, thanks for a lovely blog. I think I’ll have a go at the centrepiece of Jane’s beautiful card and then save it for an occasion it suits as I’m sure there will be one in the future – wedding, engagement you know the sort of thing ! X


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