Let’s have a real Saturday Share…

Hello hello! Grace here.

I hope you’ve all had a decent week. They come and go, don’t they?

I’ll be honest with you (because why not?!)… I’ve had a pretty low week. I’m sure we’re all having them, big or small, so we should be open about it.
I know I know… I should’ve been on a high after escaping the apartment and going skiing last weekend. But it was over as quickly as it started, and though I’m of course very grateful for it… it wasn’t a visit to see my Mum, or grandparents… or little brother. It was with someone who is in our COVID ‘bubble’ and we see often. It was great! But it wasn’t ‘healing’ or like some sort of personal release of pressure, if that makes sense? It did make me realize that as much as we might miss ‘doing things’, it’s actually the people we miss the most… for me anyway. It was lovely to have a change of scenery for a few days though! You get it.


The real downside (and probably the real reason for my lack of ‘OMG IT WAS AMAZING!!’) is that I hurt myself skiing on Saturday. Yep! Spent about 4 hours teaching Mark how to ski, elegantly doing circles around him until he got it! Yay Mark šŸ™‚ And then swiftly decided that I, myself, needed to take it up a level for the last run… got cocky didn’t I?
Long story short, I over shot my comfort zone and found myself on quite a steep slope, building up far too much speed. I fell on my left knee, and injured myself, whoops! Not in a dramatic way šŸ˜‰ Of course I bounced back up immediately, finished the rest of the slope and held it together. I later quietly mumbled to Mark that I’d fallen but otherwise kept it shtum.

Bit of an ego-bruise isn’t it? Particularly after being the teacher! We’ve been chuckling together all week about the fact that Mark must’ve fallen 100+ times, VERY dramatically, all limbs involved… zero bruises or injuries. I fell once (at speed, to be fair) and haven’t been able to walk properly since. Typical! I’ve told him that he needs to teach me how to fall, because he’s got that down to a tee! Hahaha. But I will say that he persevered and I was incredibly proud of him when he got it! Next time will be a breeze… and I look forward to it.

Well, by Saturday evening I was struggling to walk. *grimace* But hey! Sometimes it’s good to take a fall… it reminds us of how quickly things can go wrong, it can give you an immediate dose of perspective. Could have been a whole lot worse! Last week I took my knees (and walking) for granted! This week? Quite the opposite. They’re pretty important, knees, I can tell you!

Needless to say I’ve been licking my wounds all week and feeling quite sorry for myself. A few more deeper disappointments later, and I was having a right wobbly by Wednesday.

But you know what? We persevere. We push on. We borrow a mate’s knee brace, pour ourselves a coffee and continue to move forward… gently. It’s okay to feel sad or disappointed with the world these days. Just don’t let it drag on too long. My knee WILL heal, my ego WILL rightsize itself and life WILL be generally easier one day soon. We just have to have faith. But sometimes that does take a few days to find, doesn’t it?

I hope it’s okay that I’m divulging all of this. I know I’m not alone… If this ramble helps just one person pull themselves back up a bit quicker, after a rough week, it’ll be worth being so open. What would be the point of saying ‘Oh yeah, it was perfect, thanks for asking!’? Other than to create more isolation than there already is.

I do feel better now, having written some of the week down. You should try it!! How has your week been? You can share it with me in the comments if you like, I’m all ears. We’re all just trying to keep our heads above water these days, eh? No harm in doing that together.

Now, speaking of together! Just look at what this fantastic community of crafters has to offer this week. Another stunning gallery of your hard work that I found across Groovi Worldwide & Clarity Worldwide.
Prepare to be impressed!

Frances Knott
Jackie Scott
Jane Quested
Janet Hope
Janet Klenk
Sharron Bradford
Judith Parker
Karen Petitt
Lorraine Bielckus
Margaret Taylor
Ros Wood
Sonia Goodliff
Sheila Stokes
Sue Froud

Aren’t they wonderful? I’m sure you’ll agree. It’s always a weekly highlight being able to showcase them. So much time, energy and creativity goes in to this work. Could you imagine receiving one of these cards?! Wow.

Oh yes! The winner of last Saturday’s little giveaway is ‘Jane S’. She gave the answers ‘COMPASSION’ and ‘CONSIDERATION’. Very important these days! Jane, please email me with your confirmed email address and I’ll get the gift voucher sent to you on Monday šŸ™‚ Congratulations!

Anyway, I’m off to do a bit of slow-moving Saturday tidying… I look forward to hearing about YOUR week.

Travel gently… I will be.

Lotsa love, Grace xo

Clarity ā€“ The Home of Art, Craft and Well-being.

20 thoughts on “Let’s have a real Saturday Share…

  • 6th February 2021 at 5:07 pm

    Hope your knee is healing quickly, Grace. I can relate as I am 29 days postop from a left total knee replacement. Your videos have given me much comfort even though I cannot participate in real time because I am helping to home school my youngest two grandchildren this year. Yegads! These children need to go back to school! Here in Virginia we are lagging behind almost all other states in returning the children back to school and also in providing vaccines. My husband and I traveled to our neighboring North Carolina to get our first vaccination which was not a pleasant trip so soon after my surgery. We will get dose two in a few weeks and then hopefully I will be well enough to GO SHOPPING! What a concept! I have of course gone crazy with online shopping and am currently trying to get everything straight so I can actually create something! LOL Take care.
    Cheryl Tabor Chesapeake, VA

  • 6th February 2021 at 5:16 pm

    Hello Grace, sorry to hear about your fall. I did something on Wednesday, I Fell up the last step on the stairs, caught my tie on top step! Hurtled towards a bedroom and would have knocked my head on the door, if I hadnā€™t somehow done a commando roll and fell to the floor! Next thing I heard was my daughter racing in and my husband speedily climbing the stairs to see what all the noise was about! I had sore fingers where I caught them on the door, sore shoulder where I hit the floor and sore knees! Mind you, I canā€™t stop chuckling about the picture it has given me! I even wake up in the night, laughing!
    I think all those lovely cards are gorgeous, such beautiful work!
    Hope your knee is soon better!x

  • 6th February 2021 at 5:37 pm

    So sorry to hear you hurt your knee. Your blog however was very thought provoking, Yes as you know been a real roller coaster for us and our new grandson. He is now much, much improved and hopefully will be able to come home soon. I have been helped so much by the wonderful, thoughtful comments posted on Clarity Worldwide – what an amazing bunch of virtual friends.
    The lovely cards you posted are so uplifting in these strange and surreal times.
    Thank you and much love x

    • 6th February 2021 at 5:41 pm

      Glad to hear your grandson is improving & hope he will soon be home for you to be able to give him a cuddle xx

  • 6th February 2021 at 5:39 pm

    Hi Grace, I had been wondereing how your weekend skiing had gone but didn’t expect it to have a tumble involved. Hope you feel better soon. Trouble is you can’t put a knee in a sling to rest it can you !! like you could an elbow or wrist but by taking things gently it is probably best to keep moving about.
    Another great selection of cards – I have several WIP’s which need to be finished by this week so will post them later after they have been received.
    I think we are all suffering from lack of mojo or lack of lustre in our lives, the grey days don’t help – missing family is one of the main things. Who would have thought it would be so long before we could see each other properly. How many new babies only know their extended family through a computer screen or ipad on zoom or facetime ? I can’t wait to see my grandaughters & give them a good cuddle – one day soon !!
    But having said all that I should be gratefull that we are all healthy, have a roof over our heads, food on the table & technology that helps everyone keep in touch with each other, school, work & the SHAC Shack.
    See you tomorrow for Groovi Sunday – just got to go & mount last weeks project & post a picture.
    Take care & travel gently

  • 6th February 2021 at 6:28 pm

    Hi Grace the artwork you have chosen is gorgeous. What a talented bunch of people they are. I am sorry to hear about your knee. I do hope it gets better quickly. Take care. Hugs xxx

    • 6th February 2021 at 7:52 pm

      once again, you’ve chosen amazing creations to share with us – thank you! So sorry to hear about your knee – sometimes we do need reminding to stop and take care of ourselves. Hope you’re soon fully recovered.

  • 6th February 2021 at 6:54 pm

    Like Sally I (in terms when describing slipping or falling over for us older folks – I’m 69 today) had a fall on Wednesday. I slipped on some very wet wooden steps in the garden. Tried to steady myself and in doing so twisted my foot and overstretched every muscle from shoulders down. The good news is I didn’t feel it necessary to visit A&E. As you say Grace these things can happen suddenly and can change everything within a second. I’ve also been unwell this week apart from Monday when I felt amazingly good but today everything changed mentally (still physically not top hole as they say) but Received some lovely cards and calls from family and friend and to round off the evening my neighbour is cooking an evening meal for us and her other next door neighbours that she will deliver to our door and we will Skype each other throughout the evening. Wonderful. How quickly things change when you know others care.

  • 6th February 2021 at 6:57 pm

    Hi Grace, sorry to hear you hurt yourself skiing. Knees are tricky so and so’s at the best of times.
    Thank you for sharing my card lovely lady, it’s really lifted my mood. I’m missing my family, have had one of those down weeks but I’ve been playing with my Claritystamp masks and stamps and it’s lifted me back up again so thank you to all you ,lovely Clarity people xx

  • 6th February 2021 at 7:10 pm

    So sorry to hear you havenā€™t had a great week Grace and that you hurt yourself skiing! Please donā€™t beat yourself up too much for not having a good week. I think this latest lockdown has been by far the worst, probably because itā€™s been just so long since we have been able to see and hug our loved ones, and because itā€™s been so dreary! But hang in there, the nights are getting longer, more and more people are being vaccinated and I truly believe it wonā€™t be too much longer before we will be able to travel again (hereā€™s keeping everything crossed it will be very soon!)
    You have picked some brilliant cards yet again and just shows what a talented bunch of people belong to Groovi and Clarity worldwide!
    Off to watch ā€œthe Masked Singer ā€œ for a bit of lighthearted entertainment.
    Take care and travel gently Grace xxxxx

  • 6th February 2021 at 7:14 pm

    Sorry to hear about your fall. Hope the knee improves soon. Enjoyed reading your ‘ramble’ which cheered me up, lovely photos, I dolove the snow, but it reminded me of the 2 falls I had a while ago. both times landed on my knees and side on concrete,finished up with knees like elephants and badly bruised arm and boobs. Then we took some time out for a few days holiday and I slipped in the bath while taking a shower, no nonslip mat available, and guess what? Crocked my knees again. All OK now but alas I will never be able to kneel down again.

    Beautiful cards once again, such talented people we have in the Clarity community. Congratulations to Jane on her win.

    Had my first Covid jab last Thursday. No serious after effects, just a bit tender for a day or so, Hubby gets his jab on Tuesday. I do hope people will be sensible and not refuse this opportunity to try to beat the virus. The more we all pull togetherand obey the restrictions the quicker the statistics will improve and we will be able to resume our normal lives. What frightens me are the idiots that rail against the ‘rules’ and line us up for a 4th lockdown. We really do not want that do we?

    Received a load of clarity goods this week so going to play tomorrow. Have a good weekend.

  • 6th February 2021 at 7:17 pm

    Beautiful cards, lovely photos, thanks for sharing. Hope your knee is better soon. xx

  • 6th February 2021 at 8:08 pm

    Hi Grace, I had been wondering how things went on your ski-ing trip, so sorry to hear of your fall and the problems you are having with your knee, I hope you will feel more like yourself very soon.
    I have had a rotten week (in my head), I got my letter for vaccination and rang up to ask if my hubby could have his at the same time as he would have to drive me, they went through all the appointment details and was given my appointment and the date for my second appointment, then they asked about my hubby’s details and because he is a couple of years younger than me, they said he couldn’t get his jab done yet, as I don’t want hubby to have to make the journey twice, I opted to cancel my appointments and wait until hubby gets his letter and then we can make appointments to go together. To be honest I was slightly relieved, as because I haven’t been near anyone other than my hubby for months now, I was getting myself all worked up. Consequently since Monday I have been letting my ‘mind’ get the better of me and it has sent me into depression, I keep doing meditation to try and calm down, but it only seems to work while I’m doing it. I’m like your Mum, I have a ‘washing machine’ head, things just won’t stop going round and round. I have been doing lots of things to try and distract myself, hopefully it will improve this week.
    As always, the samples of work shown are stunning !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  • 6th February 2021 at 10:04 pm

    Hi Grace, glad you got away but sorry to hear about your knee, what a shame, I never went skiing on the school trips we had as I never thought it would be ā€˜for meā€™ too dangerous ha! Ha! Iā€™ve had a wobble this week as I was worrying about one of our cats but all is well so thatā€™s good. Hubby had his Covid vaccination yesterday, he had the best nightā€™s sleep in ages last night and is very tired today so I think thatā€™s his side effect and if thatā€™s all it is we canā€™t complain. Heā€™s still tired so hoping for a good night tonight too! Iā€™m just about to return to a very difficult jigsaw after spending time doing a Josie ribbon plate card this week which is for a birthday tomorrow. I donā€™t know how people produce them as quick as they do! I think Iā€™ll have embosserā€™s elbow and prickerā€™s/picot pinky or whatever after all that work! Will be doing smaller versions in future ! I liked that para you started with ā€˜needlessā€™ should it have been ā€˜kneedlessā€™! Lots of love x x

  • 7th February 2021 at 8:18 am

    Lovely selection of cards as always. Sorry to hear about your fall Grace. I had a fall in the summer when I was stepping out if the way of someone coming towards me. I fell on really broken up tarmac and very badly damaged the skin near my elbow. As ever my husband was there to pick me up but I cried and cried and cried. I just couldnā€™t stop for a good half an hour. I think it was mainly shock but also was a release of all the worry and disappointments I had been feeling. Iā€™ve been the one who has kept cheerful and positive through all this but sometimes it does you good to have a good cry! Hope your knees are soon feeling better xx

  • 7th February 2021 at 12:10 pm

    Hi Grace, lovely artwork again this week – you must find it really hard to choose. The photos of your skiing trip are lovely it must have been nice just to get away from the city and into the fresh mountain air. Such a shame you came a cropper and are still suffering, make sure you keep an eye on it if it doesn’t improve. As your Mum rightly says ‘gently does it’. Hope you have a better week, take care xxx

  • 7th February 2021 at 2:30 pm

    Hi Grace, hereā€™s a huge ((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))) for you. The photos are stunning. Iā€™ve had a really crap week but hey ho it is what it is. Stay safe and smiling šŸ˜ƒā¤ļø. God bless xx

  • 7th February 2021 at 11:03 pm

    Dear Grace. Great to read your blog. I was going to ask if you enjoyed your skiing trip so sorry you ended up hurting your knee.. hope it will soon be better. I have two teenage nephews who live in Bend , Oregon, I have a job to watch the video, they are scary. But extremely clever. I miss my family, got a feeling I will never again get to see them in California. One great thing this week was the arrival of a great granddaughter, In London. Have another grandson due in a few weeks, but that one I donā€™t think I will see, they live in New Zealand. Donā€™t know what I did to drive them all so far away. ha.
    I have been busy making a card for the new baby, and the writing went wrong with one letter, even though I had done a couple of practice pieces. There are some clever people on here, lovely cards again . Take care and rest. Xx

  • 9th February 2021 at 8:11 pm

    So sorry to hear of your fall Grace I hope it won’t be too long in repairing. Reading all about your week reminded me of your Mum you both have such wonderful attitudes to things. I love that you are so upbeat. My week has been good, keeping busy with Groovi – as Paul tells us it’s so addictive. I didn’t believe him until I started on the Groovi journey and then I got my friend involved and I see you’ve highlighted her work this week so she’ll be chuffed about that. We can’t wait until we can get together to Groovi it’s so much more fun with a mate beside you. We’ve both spent so much in the sale this week but hey ho we’re not doing much else are we in this lockdown. Have a good week Grace and travel gently. Bye for now xx

  • 13th February 2021 at 6:56 pm

    Hi Grace, sorry to hear of your mishap, Iā€™m a little late to the party so I hope by now your good as new. Iā€™ve had a rotten week your post has help add perspective. Thank you for the photographs lovely to see space and distance.


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