Happy Days Clarity Days! A project by Linda Williams – Day 3, Blog 1
Hello! Grace here.
Happy Sunday! How are we all feeling?
All a tad tired from our excitement yesterday but ready for another afternoon of the same? Me too!
I signed on to Facebook this morning and my ‘memories’ gifted me this video on this glorious Sunday, giving me an opportunity to share it with you! What timing!
Oh I do miss them. This was exactly a year ago when I travelled home to England to get trained up on some things, and spend a little time getting set up with Clarity again. I often love to pull out my phone and whack hilarious ‘filters’ on to all of my family members. It does make us giggle.
Speaking of giggling, the lovely Linda Williams is spending her Sunday with us! We are lucky to have her friendship! Linda is a good friend and designer. She’s a legend of parchment art! And you’ll often see stamps, stencils and groovi plates called Linda’s this & Linda’s that. She’s pretty darn special. HI LINDA!

My Mum and Linda are very good friends, and I know when they’re together it’s nonstop giggles. Here’s a photo of them abroad…

And here is a photo of Linda and Rob at my Mum & Dave’s wedding! What an event that was. Oh to go back in time to THAT day. I’ll do a blog in the future with photos, it really was like nothing any of us had experienced before. But then it is my Mum… she’s not exactly ‘standard’ is she?
Giraffes and rhinos on your wedding day? Absolutely!

She has kindly shared a gallery of her work with us, all of which are just so impressive. Have a gander…
Quite the collection! And it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Linda is INCREDIBLE. And she’s preparing us for Christmas! Thinking ahead in the craft world.
Check out the Step-by-Step project Linda is sharing today 🙂

- Alphabet A5 square Groovi plate mate GRO-MA-40002-07
- Word Chain alphabet Groovi border plate mate GRO-MA-40559-13
- Linda’s Snowmen A5 square Groovi plate GRO-WI-41005-03
- Linda’s Snowlady A5 square Groovi plate GRO-WI-41006-03
- Linda’s Snowbaby A5 square Groovi plate GRO-WI-41004-03
- Nested Squares Groovi plate GRO-PA-40037-03
- Dream and Congratulations mini word chains Groovi Border plate GRO-WO-40889-09
- Journaling & Miracle mini word chains Groovi Border plate GRO-WO-40890-09
- New arrival & Brilliant mini word chains Groovi Border plate GRO-WO-40891-09
- Merry Christmas & Birthday mini word chains Groovi Border plate GRO-WO-40888-09
- 1-needle perforating tool PER-TO-70035-XX
- 2-needle perforating tool PER-TO-70037-XX
- Exclusive pointed scissors PER-TO-70040-XX
- Ball Embossing tools
- 2mm Star embossing tool PER-TO-70006-XX
- Perga Colours Exclusive PER-CO-70060-XX
- Pergamano Mix Mat PER-AC-70304-XX
- Round brush No 2 PER-BR-70044-XX
- Mapping pen PER-TO-70039-XX
- Sticky ink PER-AC-70134-XX
- Perga glitter PER-AC-70252-XX
- Mixed pack x20 Groovi Christmas Parchment Paper A4 GRO-AC-40382-A4
1. Use groovi guard. Emboss a stack of snowmen using all three snowmen plates. Start with Snow Baby first.
2. Using the double border from the Snow Baby plate emboss a rectangle to fit. Use the nested squares to emboss the ladder effect evenly. Start at each corner and work towards the middle adjusting to fit.
3. Colour on the back! Using PCE, no2 brush and mix mat to paint the clothes of the snowmen in colours of your choice. Paint the larger areas with the brush and add detail directly with the fine nib end of the PCE pen. Leave the white parts of the snowmen free of colour for embossing. Paint the alternate squares in the border. Add some red cheeks on the front with the tiniest amount of red pencil and blending medium on a blending nib.
4. Emboss the white parts of snowmen and alternate squares of border using the ball tools. Using the 1-needle tool stipple the nappy and parts of snowmen to give shading.
5. On another piece of parchment emboss a larger rectangle to accommodate the small rectangle and give enough space for the words. Divide as before and finish in the same way. Mark the position of the small rectangle with a white pencil and on the other half emboss words of your choice using the mini word chains border plates. Emboss some of the letters and shadow write on the back with the black fine liner pen.
6. Perforate around both rectangles with the 2-needle tool and cut out.
TO FINISH: Add Sticky Ink and Glitter. Mat and layer with the Christmas Green Parchment paper and white card.

Bloomin’ brilliant she is.
On that Christmassy note, it’s competition time!
Leave a comment below letting me know where you think Linda & Barbara were in this photo? Which country?

I’ll put all correct answers/guesses into a raffle, and 3 lucky winners will win this FAB Christmassy Groovi set of Linda’s!

See you in a bit! 🙂
Lotsa Love, Grace xoxo
Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft and Well-being.
Lovely Groovi work from Linda – I don’t think I’ll ever get that good, but it’s lovely to see the beautiful designs.
The penguins are great – would be just right for my daughter, who collects them!
Strange guests at a wedding – giraffes and rhinos!!
My guess for your competition question is:
Hello Grace, Thanks for the competition.
I think Holland.
Hi Grace
Lovely block about Linda i think they could be in France. x
Africa xx
Omg Grace that video is sooo funny! You can’t not laugh at it can you! I think your mum and Linda were in Germany when they went to that craft fair in the shopping centre? What a wedding day that was too wasn’t it. Fantastic and so pleased to have been able to share it with you all. Lots of love and hugs Wendyxx
Germany at an exhibition or so they say. Having a knees up more like. Love Linda’s beautiful plates and her presence at the retreats. Lovely lady. Great give away dear Grace. X
Germany or Scotland
Hilarious video 😂😄 l think they are in Slovenia
That video was hilarious! Missing get togethers with my family too as we always have such a laugh together. I think your mum and Linda were in Slovenia together. I remember reading all the stories of crafting in a shopping centre. Thanks for sharing Linda’s beautiful work – it takes your breath away x
Hi I think it’s France xx
Loving your blogs and pics. Cannot even guess where they are.
Stay safe.
I think they were in France
I think it was Slovenia, demoing in a shopping centre
Hi Grace. It’s been a brilliant weekend thanks to everyone at Clarity.
I think France.
Hi loving clarity weekend and lots of lovely projects. And this was Slovenia x
Ljubljana – Slovenia. You looked as though you were having fun.
Great weekend and lots of inspiration and this was Slovenia x x
It was in Slovenia I think in March 2017 for an anual event of Pergamano
I remember seeing this picture but can’t remember where it was. My guess is France. Hugs from Canada 🇨🇦
Hi Grace great video! Have seen this pic and think it was w trip to Slovenia. Live Linda’s work and plates and just ordered some recent ones in the sale ! X
Hiya Grace
Hope you are ok, thank you for doing all the giveaways along side your mum
Loving all the projects that have been posted in the groovi group and blogs etc
I have saved each one in the hope that my parching mojo comes back and I start to feel to feel better again in currently taking up residence in a black tunnel, but every now and again I will move a ledge nearer the top.
I’ve lost interest in parching and most things really, apart from the rainbow anniversary card I was asked to make I haven’t patched for nearly 3 months, got lots of lovely new plates, all 10 of the shac projects that we are sent on a fri, plus everything from this weekend sat there waiting for me to come out to play
You and Mark stay safe Grace
Linda and your mum were in Slovenia I think
I think it is Maribor, Slovenia on the 17th March, 2017. They were having some time to look at this town, before going to do some more demos.
I think it is France.
What a fab prize thanks for a wonderful weekend, couldn’t have come to Open day but this has been a fest of Clarity. You all work so hard and are so helpful, your Mum’s efforts in the Shac must have caused her sooooooooo much hard work but has been a Godsend to so many people. A fab company run by fab people. Your Mum must be so proud of you, your comments are lovely.
I also think it was Slovenia on a trip your mom often talks about
Think they were in Germany at a craft fair, xx
It’s was Slovenia your mum always says what a great time they had and many laughs x
France. Goodness, Grace! What amazing work.
Hi Grace
I think it was France x
Stunning artwork! Just playing with my new wrap plates – beautiful.
I believe the country was Slovenia x
I too, would say Slovenia – 19th March 2017 to be precise! Thank you Grace for your blogs and all the wonderful team at Clarity for giving us so much inspiration and hard work. Pam xx
Hi Grace – you gave Mum and me a much-needed chuckle with your video!
Linda’s work is beautiful – I particularly want to be able to do the fluffy penguins the way she does them.
I remember reading your Mum’s blog about their trip to Slovenia – had to look back to remind myself of the country though, so that I could answer today’s competition question.
The Virtual Open Day weekend has been great fun – thank you xx
I remember them going to Slovenia together- Ljubljana?
Slovenia. What a wonderful blog. Funny and spectacular projects from Linda
They went to Slovenia to run some parchment classes
Slovenia. Two great friends enjoying their break -laughing, learning and making great memories.
I think it might be Slovenia as your mum often mentions that she was there with Linda. Love all Linda’s cards. Linda is such an inspiration to us all. It’s been a great weekend. Thanks to all at Clarity, UK and to yourself in the States. You have all done a great job. Hx
Maribor in Solvenia for a workshop in a shopping Mall showing Groovi to the traditional parchers.
Linda is pure class.
Germany, I think x
Breathtaking work!! Linda is truly amazing.
She and Barb were in Slovenia -the capital I think Lubliana?? Can’t spell it LOL.
Slovenia, prizes are great!
Think it might be Slovenia Grace, I had a really hearty giggle with your video by the way, just what I needed. Enjoy the rest of your weekend xx
They were in Slovenia I believe. My eldest son’s girlfriend is from there and we’d love to visit some day.
What a hoot your video is! Brilliant.
Linda’s samples are so beautiful and it is the Plate she used in the blue card that I have just ordered.
I remember your mum talking about this trip and it was a shopping centre in Slovenia, if I remember rightly. I know we had a good laugh about her story.
Thank you so much for all your efforts this weekend. As I said to Steven, it is really appreciated, especially as I never get to an Open Day.
Happy Sunday. X
Slovenia. Think they had a great time whilst Linda was also doing some serious demonstrating. Very talented lady. Thank- you for the wonderful gallery of cards and the step by step. xx
I think Slovenia, looks fun.
Barbara & Linda are in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Slovenia 2017
Everybody seems to think it Slovenia.
Slovenia. Beautiful work from Linda, and a great step by step, thank you.
I think it is Slovenia. Linda is so talented! X
Slovenia is my guess … am loving all the inspiration !!!
Wow, Grace, that video was a tonic – it made me giggle madly! The cat thinks I’ve lost it (probably have).
Thank you for all your posts this weekend, you must be exhausted.
Take care
I guess Amsterdam
I think they were in Slovenia
The girls were in Slovenia.
In the words of Julia Roberts ‘I peed my pants’ laughing at your video, the best I’ve seen recently, so thanks for the laugh Grace…blimming brilliant.
Linda’s artwork is stunning, I can see why she’s a master Pergamano tutor, beautiful samples.
Stay safe, Jackie x
Hi Grace
What a hilarious video 😂🤣😂
I think maybe they were in Slovenia as your mum has talked about it a bit xx
Hi Grace
Keep going, not long now and you will be able to breathe again!!!
I think the photo was taken in Slovenia when they were demonstrating together
Linda’s gallery just blows me away. What stunning awesome work. I feel that I can only ever dream of being able to produce work like that, but her inspiration definitely keeps me going.
Love & Hugs
Slovenia x