Saturday Share blog!

Hello hello! Grace here.

I hope this finds you well and enjoying your Saturday morning. What a week it has been! Busy busy BEES.

Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments last weekend. I so enjoyed reading about your favourite concerts and artists. I hope it was a nice trip down memory lane. It was for me! Though last weekend seems like a distant (but happy) memory now. How is it already done and dusted? Take me baaaaaaack.

It was such a fun weekend. I’ll share some photos with you…

The concert was incredible. I cried, screamed, and cry-screamed every word. We were pretty far back, but it was still amazing. Another wonderful Beyoncé memory for the bank 🙂 The company was epic too. Got to love a girl’s weekend where there is zero drama. Just lots and lots of laughing. Loved it.

How on earth has another week flown by again? I settled down on Friday afternoon to select and gather my absolute favourite pieces of artwork this week. They’re reeeeeeeally special. Grab that cuppa and appreciate these with me…

Jules Rob
Sue Carpenter
Sharon White
Jackie Couling
Liz Johnson
Nettie Kramer
Sonia Goodliff
Shirley Eastley
Gisela Schumacher
Beverley Welsh
Heather Knight
Karen Jackson
Moe Neesam
Frances Knott
Jane Telford
Sue Kitson
Anne Aiken
Sue Froud
Ann Coombes
Annette Mercer

*HEART EYES* Wow wow wow.

What a fantastic selection of artwork, picked from Clarity Worldwide and Groovi Worldwide. Thank you for sharing your cards with us! There are so many beautiful pieces of art to choose from, you make my job very difficult indeed. These few cards just jumped off the screen at me and, in my humble opinion, deserved another showcase. I like to find a few things in each card that I notice or appreciate. See if you can do the same… It’s a fun little challenge, and perhaps you’ll be inspired in the process.

You’re all so impressive, whether it’s a new crafter or one of our insanely talented design team members, I am in awe of you.

Thank you for sharing your skills and knowledge with others. I’m seeing a lot of ‘helpers’ online at the moment, offering product links or youtube videos to queries. You also make my job a lot easier 😉 And we appreciate it.

If you’re waiting on your Clarity Sale order (or a club packet), please bear with us. Many of you know that we’re only a small team, we’re not Amazon, and so when we receive thousands of half-price orders (because the bargains are just too good!) it does take us a few weeks to work through that pile. Thank you to those that are understanding and patient around this. Otherwise, my email is

Right, I’m off! I hope you all have a lovely & restful weekend.

Travel gently, friends.

Lotsa love, Grace xo

Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft, and Well-Being.

16 thoughts on “Saturday Share blog!

  • 29th July 2023 at 8:23 am

    Hi Grace, looks & sounds as if you had a fantastic time last weekend – as you say where has the last week gone to. Just popped in to have look before heading off to a Groovi Workshop with Hazel. My first face to face workshop for ages so looking forward to it & catching up with friends.
    It was a lovely surprise to see my Groovi Sunday project from Glynis as I scrolled down. Thank you for including it in your selection from yet another great week of cards & artwork shared on both FB pages. Its been a busy week for Clarity but so looking forward to receiving my goodies as & when they arrive. Our post has been pretty rubbish this week so hopefully things will start to arrive soon.
    See you tomorrow for another groovi or will it be a stamp project, we will have to wait & see. Must dash xx

  • 29th July 2023 at 9:28 am

    Enjoy looking through your selection of art work. Always a great inspiration.
    Clarity products are always worth the wait and I know I’ll have something I can have a play with while waiting.

  • 29th July 2023 at 9:45 am

    Another great Saturday Share! I don’t know how you do it every week,Grace- but thank you!

  • 29th July 2023 at 10:51 am

    Hi Grace, some lovely pieces and thanks for choosing mine this week. Glad you enjoyed the concert, how could you not ! Was the bee a transfer ? How well it matched your top! Have a good weekend xx

  • 29th July 2023 at 11:13 am

    Great blog as ever. Thank you for sharing my Bees – so important to life. My allotment is buzzing with them. Take care. Love Anne

  • 29th July 2023 at 5:03 pm

    Looks like you had the most fabulous time Grace! I love a good concert – I spent yesterday evening at the ABBA Voyage show in London – just amazing! Loving this week’s selection – you always spot such wonderful art, and there are always a few that I’ve missed seeing during the week xx

    • 29th July 2023 at 7:31 pm

      What a weekend that must have been and you all looked fabulous too. Good memories to bank and look back on.
      Another wonderful selection of artwork and I am flattered to be included this week, so thank you. Enjoy a relaxing weekend. X

  • 29th July 2023 at 9:12 pm

    The artwork is fabulous and so too are the photographs of you and the girls !xxx

  • 30th July 2023 at 8:22 am

    Looks like you had a great time at the concert! I’ve had a busy week so managed to miss some of these beauties when scrolling through. They are fab-u-lous!xx!

  • 30th July 2023 at 8:30 am

    WOW WOW WOW – this week’s selection of art is stunning Grace. Glad you had a B good weekend last week. I’m hoping to have a play week this week as my stencils and butterflies have arrived, also my club plate. Now to wait for my sale goods which I’m so happy to do – Your Mum is amazing so too all at Clarity xx

  • 30th July 2023 at 9:10 am

    Hi Grace, a bit late getting my weekly dose of loveliness this week but what an awesome collection you have put together – love them all. So glad you had a good time at the concert. I’m patiently waiting for my sale goodies to arrive but it is hard when you’re excited and can’t wait to have a play. If your Mum is kind enough to offer a sale at this time of year then the very least I can do is wait. Hope you have a good week xx

  • 30th July 2023 at 9:24 am

    Thankyou Grace for your lovely selection of art pieces – all beautiful in different ways! Also love the

    photos of you and the girls – so pleased you had such a fabulous time! xx

  • 30th July 2023 at 9:27 am

    Ah Grace another wonderful selection. Such wonderful trips down memory lane, shared by our dear friends.

    You and your lady Bee friends all looked amazing, and how wonderful to share times with out dramas, the world has too many dramas for trivial ones with friends, it’s wonderful to spend time with people who enrich life. You sure have a wonderful group of enriching friends.

    Love the blog and amazing art work. Been a busy girl with secret squirrel stuff. So much hard work goes on at Clarity HQ and everyone is working their socks off to get sale orders out. I THANK YOU ALL.

    Have a fabulous week and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Lots of love T xx

  • 30th July 2023 at 10:41 am

    Lovely selection of cards this week Grace and thanks for including mine…which was a surprise to see!! I seemed to have missed your blog last weekend, not sure how that happened…but like you say, the weeks just whizz by and suddenly there’s another one (or two!) gone. My earliest concert was when I was a young teenager , back in the early 70’s and saw T. Rex. Saw them several times but the first time was the most special….and yes I had glitter on my face for that too!! Also Cat Stevens (now Yussef of course). Always loved him and still do! Then in 2005, my son “won” (didn’t really win as it was just the luck of the draw) tickets to Live 8 in Hyde Park. I was so thrilled for him as his beloved U2 were playing….but what a thrill when he chose his Mum for the other ticket!!! We had a blast and saw all the greats….U2, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Madonna, Pink Floyd etc etc Just an amazing day!
    My 3 (!!) sale orders arrived in one box…and much quicker than I had expected. They certainly work hard in those Clarity Towers!!
    Have a great weekend, and an even better week ahead x

  • 30th July 2023 at 10:55 am

    More fantastic artwork to view. I love Saturdays and this blog. We have a lot of amazing talent out there.
    Well done to everyone whose creation were shown. They are all brilliant x

  • 30th July 2023 at 1:49 pm

    Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time! I’m busy with my 2 gorgeous granddaughters- got them for 5 days. Tiring but I love it!

    Thankyou for selecting my card for your header. Great sample of great artwork using wonderful Clarity Products.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend xx.


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