P-P-Pick up some Parchment!
Hi there, everyone. Stuart here.
You know, when you’re thinking of blog content – titles and copy etc – it’s all about making those witty, lateral associations, even tenuous ones, that connect the message to the audience.
I was thinking through the title above because I wanted to share about the Pergamano Parchment sale, which ends in less than a week, by the way! I just churned around in my mind the alliteration of ‘Pergamano’ and ‘parchment’ and eventually found myself thinking of that well-known chocolate biscuit slogan – you know the one. And it works. I do love those little happenings that occur.
So, just like you’d p-p-pick up a penguin, why not p-p-pick up some parchment? There is 40% OFF ALL parchment on the Pergamano website at the moment, so it’s a great time to stock up on the good stuff. If you have, great, but if you haven’t, it’s my duty to inform you that time is running out. And it really is the good stuff! I mean, it’s the best stuff. I really don’t know where you’re gonna get better parchment. We chose it real carefully and spent a lot of time working with our printer on getting the colours just right. We’re really happy with it and hope you will be, too.
Now, you could be reading this post rubbing your hands in delight at the prospect of 40% OFF such an essential commodity. OR, you could be one of those people who have never tried parching. Maybe you don’t even have a clue what parchment or parchment craft is… Well, why not take a little look at this video? It’s just what you need to learn about what parchment craft is all about! Just to be sure, when we say GROOVI, we mean the transparent acrylic ‘plates’ we etch out designs into to make parchment craft easy, accessible and fun! But it’s all parchment craft. And the Groovi system is, for sure, the best, easiest and most fun way to learn!
Oh yeah, and just in case you’re a newbie and are feeling the need to give Groovi a go, you can get £16 off the Groovi Mini Starter Kit price. Paul Church took it on a Happy Hour on HOCHANDA on Tuesday and the price on website is still discounted, so you might want to grab that before the price goes back up! You can buy that right HERE on our website.
Your headline made me laugh Stuart. My partner and I are always singing jingles or quoting taglines, and every time we do it he says to me, “we’re not affected by advertising” ! Funny how those few words or notes can stick in your head for so many years isn’t it?