Our Saturday Share…
Hello hello! Grace here.
I hope this finds you well and enjoying your Saturday morning.
How on earth is it already November?! The weeks are FLYING. It’ll be Christmas before we know it. Anyone ready?
Yeah, no. Me neither… But so many of you are making epic Christmas cards! The craft community does technically like to start Christmas themes during the early Summer… Y’know, to give everyone plenty of time to create. And boy, are you lot making the most of that time! Whilst I was looking through Clarity Worldwide and Groovi Worldwide for my faves of the week, I noticed that most cards are Christmas-themed now. Everyone is gearing up!
We have Thanksgiving here in the US, before Christmas, so I tend to start Christmas decorating right after that finishes up. I have to admit… you and your (hefty amount of) Christmas cards are getting me in the festive mood! Should I pull the tree out early? I am tempted, but then perhaps it loses its magic… We do go to England 3 weeks into Dec though, so what’s an extra week in November? 😉
Grab a cuppa and take a moment with me. Let’s enjoy these special cards together. I try to take my time and notice little things about each card that I like, which is very easy with these…

Unbelievable. Each and every one of these cards are fantastic and I just couldn’t resist them. It was particularly hard to pick this week though! There were so many amazing cards shared in our online communities, so thank you for continuing to share your artwork.
We have lots of new talented crafters joining the Clarity family too. And that’s just brilliant, isn’t it?! We’re so glad that you’ve joined us and are even sharing your first cards with the rest of us. They are so good! And a few of them found their way into this ‘ere blog of the week’s favourites. I find cards made by both advanced and new crafters equally inspirational, don’t you? We’re all inspiring someone. Look…

Love that. Makes you think.
Ooh, some great news! Ahead of the Gray Friday Sale (on Nov 25th), we are spreading out the sale love between now and then too. Last weekend we had a parchment party. And this weekend we’re having a Paper, Pens & Pencils Party. Up to 60% off! Whaaaat.

There are some incredible bargains to be had, so please check them out, if you haven’t already! Perhaps it’s an opportunity to get those things you need to stock up on, and at a lower price.
For now, though, I’m off! It’s another social weekend ahead for us, and it’s getting colder and colder in New York…

Travel gently, friends.
Lotsa love, Grace xo
Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft, and Well-Being.
Lovely, lovely works of art – again!! It’s amazing how you manage it week after week,Grace. Thank you!
Thank you for including my card in this weeks selection Grace. I totally agree that it’s lovely to see work from some of our newbie’s. Hope it inspires others to show their efforts. xx
Thank you Grace, I’m in aw of the many talented crafters in the Clarity groups.
I’m very new to Groovi so am pleased that you thought my card was worthy of being included in this weeks collection of inspiration. 😉xx
Another fabulous selection, Grace – where DO you find the time! Not quite sure mine is worthy but I very much appreciate that you included it. Terrific work from everyone, as always x ❤️
Beautiful cards and some particularly striking ones. So many talented folk .
So many beautiful cards. I especially like the groovi ones. I have done some Groovi , I have arthritus in my hands and they soon begin to ache. So I find myself doing mostly “Twingies” and then I put them into an album
Thank you Grace,
I’m in aw of the many talented crafters in the Clarity groups, so being very new to Groovi I’m pleased that you thought my recent piece was worthy to be included in this weeks inspiration. xx
Hi Grace, another week of crafting flown by. Looking at the FB pages everyone has been so busy making all styles of cards which gives us ideas to try. That’s what I love about the Clarity family – caring & willing to share hints, tips & ideas.
Having had a sort out of my craft room, opening boxes & finding all kinds of forgotten stash I could probably open a shop here but why is it you can never find the item you really want?
Have a great week x
My favourite time of the week again. Some of the parchment work that has been posted using the new ribbon grids has/is just mind blowing – I’m truly in awe of the wonderful people who have the patience to create them. Have a great week everyone xxx
A beautiful selection of cards. xx
Beautiful work and it is great to see new members, I’m loving all the inspiration and slowly working my way through the birthdays to Christmas, I have about 8 birthdays in December and all family members ! I think you should do your tree soon – I have a new one to put up this year and hope it’s ok! I’ve already got a parchment parcel on the way with a couple of extras from last weekend in it ! Now we have another 60% offer to look at. Too much, too much lol 😻.
Have a good weekend, it’s beautiful weather here by the way, just had half hour in garden, towels are drying on the line and I even sat out this morning with a cuppa! X
Great selection as always!!!
Another great selection but my fave of the week is Debbie Lee’s card (I really must get the hang of the embedders 😀)
Thanks for including my wee offering, Grace. Feel very honoured to be alongside all these talented people. Couldn’t do any of of it without your inspirational Mother!!
Brilliant collection this week. I particularly like the Snowdrop idea with one peeping over top of panel and the verse, by Pauline Eden. Also, the hours of work that must have gone into Ann Varney’s beautiful parchment creation, absolutely stunning.👍🏻👏🏻