Our Saturday Share!
Hello hello! Grace here.
I hope this finds you well and enjoying your Saturday!
Firstly, did you know that we’re having a PARCHMENT SALE this weekend! 60% off! What?! Yeah… SIXTY! If that’s not a reason to stock up ahead of Winter, I don’t know what is!
Check out the brilliant offers HERE.
And Mum is on Create And Craft on Sunday too, 3-5pm! You can check out the artwork gallery ahead of the show HERE. Such beautiful products and artwork! We’re taking a little walk down memory lane… with brand new designs, as well as some scaled-down classics…
Yep! There’s Barbara Gray sometime in the early ’90s, drawing the artwork up. And there’s my brother Mark and myself on our first modeling gig. Please make sure to join Barb, from 3-5pm tomorrow afternoon 🙂
Oh! And we had such a great time in Arizona last weekend. A few of you asked for photos, so here goes…
It was honestly so much fun. Nearly everyone in the above group photo was living in the same house together for the weekend, where there was a pool table and shuffleboard! Lots of fun was had… and that’s before we even got to the wedding! ‘Cor it was a beautiful wedding. Our group didn’t leave the dancefloor all night, as per usual.
I tell you what though! There’s nothing like getting home after traveling. I’ve been very grateful to be back this week. Home is where the heart is after all… and life’s little comforts. When did I become the “Oooh it’s good to be back in your own bed, innit?” person?
I can hear my mother in so much of what I say these days hahaha! “Oh, I have missed my own pillow“. It really is about the little things though… the things we take for granted until we’re without them for just a little while. Remember when we were sick of our own four walls in the pandemic? And we just wanted to get out?! Well, I went Out Out, and I’m happy to be home again.
So, it was extra lovely to settle down on Friday afternoon this week, in my own little home office (instead of a crazy house full of friends) to gather your artwork from Clarity Worldwide and Groovi Worldwide. Cup of tea at the ready!
They are exceptionally brilliant this week. Ready? Check these out…

WOW WOW WOW! How fantastic they all are, each and everyone, in their own unique creative ways. I like to pick about half Groovi and half inky stampy/dies/stencil artwork… and you never cease to disappoint! If anything it’s difficult to pick just a handful.
Thank you for sharing your epic work with us! I’m getting a lot of messages saying that the shared artwork online is such an encouragement for the many new crafters joining us every week. You are inspiring!
Right, I’m off now to see what the weekend has in store for us.
Don’t forget to join Mum tomorrow, 3-5pm on Create And Craft. It’s going to be brilliant! And check in on our weekly Blog Tutorial tomorrow too… I reeeeeally love the project lined up. Jane Telford is clever, fun, and funky… I wonder what she’s got up her colourful step-by-step sleeve.
Please leave comments of encouragement and love for those with artwork shared today! This a community of creativity and support. And what a fabulous community you make it.
Travel gently, friends.
Lotsa love, Grace xo
Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft, and Well-Being.
I am so thrilled that my card has been included on your Saturday share page – thank you.
I stumbled upon Groovi by accident during lockdown and I thought I would give it a go, now I am totally hooked.
Thank you to Clarity for all the wonderful videos available to start us off on our Groovi journey.
Such a wealth of talent out there! The Saturday share is always a great source of inspiration – love it !!
I agree with Pamela above, there is a great deal of talent out there. I see that someone has even included this weeks SHAC project, well done.
Thank you!
Hi Grace, glad you had a good time at the wedding with your friends but it is as you say nice to get back to your own bed. Love all the projects that you have chosen this week, as you mentioned so much inspiration to everyone. Just the little tweeks that people do to the original design or the products used gives us more ideas to try.
Decided that I really must sort out my craft stash as there is years of collecting stuff that hasn’t seen the light of day for ages if ever as styles of craft have changed over the years. Cd’s & sheets of rubber stamp are just two items. I need to ask at the local charity shops to see if they have a craft section & I know from asking my neighbour the local school can always use stuff. Project ”Find a Room” continues. Must check my parchment stash though whilst the sale is on but I suspect I will find plenty!!
Look forward to seeing what Jane has lined up for us tomorrow for Groovi Sunday.
Have a good week Grace x
Hi Grace, lovely photos of the wedding and glad you had such a lovely time, you looked fab in your dress and love those shoes too!
Thanks for putting up my project, design credit goes to Maria Moorhouse as it was one of her lessons – I want to do it again and will try different colours. It’s lovely to see everyone’s work on the FB pages as I always need inspiration. It’s also great to see all the new people joining ! I’ve already started a parchment order !
I’ve just had some friends (from when at work) here for lunch and they haven’t long left, I’m shattered now for chattering for so long LOL !! Have a good weekend xx
It’s lovely to see other crafters work . It gives me inspiration.
Thank you so much, Grace for choosing my card this week. It means a lot. I get so much inspiration from everyone else too. Take care x x
Thank you Grace for including my card in the Saturday share. I am so chuffed. It was very much inspired by samples I saw at the parchment retreat.
So much inspiration from all the lovely artwork being shared. Thanks everyone x
Hello Grace
Thank you for including my card amongst all those beauties! Looking forward to seeing your Mum on TV tomorrow. Those stamps are just lovely. And look at you & Mark as little people….just gorgeous! The wedding looks like fun…those blue skies…but yes, always good to get home too! Hope you have a great week. Thanks for the blog…it’s always an enjoyable read x
Oohhhh my favourite time of the week again, I really don’t know how you decide which cards of loveliness to include. They really are an inspiration each and every week.
So pleased you had a lovely time at the wedding but as you say there is nothing quite like your own bed. Hope you have a good week xxxx
Fabulous cards as always. Don’t know why but it took me ages to work out how Rosalind McLellan made her lovely card but it finally clicked! I don’t have the 12×12 papers but I might try it with the 8×8 papers for a bijou Christmas card (hopefully Rosalind won’t mind 😀) xx
Great samples for us to savour thank you Grace and congratulations to 2 of our ENGG group – Ros and Sally-Anne on having their beautiful cards selected. Looking forward to tomorrow to see what ‘our Barb’ has in store for us. Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone
Such artistry!!! It never ceases to amaze me how varied and beautiful these cards are. I do not envy you the task of picking out the weeks selection.
Glad you had a good time at the wedding with all your friends. Bet it was noisy !!! As you say it is great to get home to your own bed.
We recently went to a beautiful hotel in North Norfolk to celebrate our Silver anniversary and get some quiet time together. While I thoroughly enjoyed the break it was a joy to climb into our own bed when we got back.
I bought the parchment offer about an hour before I got the e-mail telling me about it. Hubby laughed, as I don’t normally look at the web site so early in the day.
Will be watching tomorrow afternoon for more inspiration from your mum.
Stay safe 🍒
Loved your photos , Grace! Thank you so much for including my Doodleology card, it’s a design I keep returning to. There are some amazing projects included in the Saturday share, I always like to look and take inspiration from them even though my Groovi efforts are generally quite simple! Off to watch our local fireworks from the comfort of our spare room window! Take care all x
Lovely photos Grace glad you had a good time at the wedding. As always some truly inspiring artwork I love dropping in to have a look. Haven’t been doing much myself lately not even a Christmas card. So thought maybe I’d get some inspiration here.❤
Fabulous cards. Some very talented people.My husband was the lucky recipient of one of the cards, it is now displayed in my craft room. Glad you enjoyed the wedding and as you say although you enjoy the break it is nice to get back home. X
A beautiful selection of cards. xx
Gorgeous cards again this week Grace and lovely wedding photos, we are away in Malaysia for a while so groovi has taken a back seat till we return on the 15th but i still love seeing everyone’s fantastic work, brings a bit of home back. Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend xx
Ah Grace, another lovely selection of beautiful art. Well done everyone, so lovely to see all your shares.
I’m so glad you posted pictures, you all scubbed up well and the wedding looked amazing, as did you Grace, beautiful dress for a very Graceful young lady, your Mum certainly gave you the perfect name.
Thankyou for sharing. Love a wedding, now I need to go get a tissue. Lol.xx
Another brilliant collection of cards, always find them inspirational x
Hello Grace beautiful art work again this week and beautiful photos of the wedding. I will do alot of catching up with everything when I get back from my holidays but will enjoy looking at the blogs whilst away xx