Our Saturday Share!
Hello hello! Grace here.
I hope this finds you well. Happy Saturday!
It’s good to be back in the Saturday Share, after a week’s hiatus in Mexico. We landed back in NY last weekend and hit the ground running. But all is well! And it was a lovely trip. The weather actually ended up to be quite lovely, particularly in the second half of the trip. Lucky for us, the hurricane (Ian) decided last minute to turn away from Mexico. But that didn’t work out well for our Floridian friends.
Sending you love and strength as you piece things back together. We have customers without power at the moment still, so here’s to hoping you’re back up and running very soon. Thinking of you!
For the rest of us, there is lots to be grateful for. As Mum has coined the phrase, “There are no alligators in this garden!”. So, let’s grab a cuppa and settle down for a bit. I have some absolutely glorious cards to share with you this week. I love them! And I think you will too…

Wow wow wow. What a gorgeous collection of cards! Just stunning. Thank you for sharing your artwork on Clarity Worldwide and Groovi Worldwide! From Groovi, to stamping, to stencils, to die cutting, to the SHAC Shack sessions… they’re all just fantastic.
For some reason, the media photos on Groovi Worldwide only show for the last couple of days, and then jump back to 2017 posts. So, there are some older cards in this collection… but they were so special I didn’t care! Worthy of sharing all of these years later. Hopefully that resets, or is just a glitch on my computer. I’ll check again tomorrow!
Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments on Mum’s blog and facebook re: my new audiobook, Invisible By Day! It is much appreciated 🙂 It’s been a looooong time in the works. And is a brilliant book, written by Teri Fink. It’s set in World War I and is a rather gripping tale! I think many of you would enjoy it. Please email me if you need help finding it (grace@claritystamp.com)
Right, for now, I’m off. My little brother and his GF are visiting from SF at the moment, so we’re going to show off Brooklyn a bit! I do love New York. Sometimes it’s fun seeing it through someone else’s eyes, afresh. Sometimes it’s hard to see the spot you’re standing on.
Travel gently, friends. See you tomorrow for our weekly blog tutorial. Happy crafting!
Lotsa love, Grace xo
Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft, and Well-Being.
Oh dear; what a shame that some artwork is missing but it’s lovely to see some of the older cards (although you would not know it). Have a wonderful time.
Hi Grace
Thank you for putting my card on your blog makes me feel so proud .
But also thank you to Linda for the lovely plate and of course grooving
Once again thank you and take care as vivid is on the rise
Hi Grace, thought I would just check in as I had suggested to others earlier to do the same & found this week’s Saturday share & another great selection of cards & art projects – I wonder whether it was 12 hours out. Glad you had a good holiday & enjoy this weekend with your brother Mark & his girlfriend. Must go & sort out audible as I listened to the taster from your latest book by Teri Fink & want to know what happens next!! I have a few projects as WIP & I have also started on this month’s club projects so need to wait a while before posting but still not enough crafting hours in the day xx
Thank you for including my card in your Blog and all the other beautiful cards and artwork. Xx
Grace glad you had a great holiday, lovely selection of beautiful cards this week. I find it hard to choose a favourite,
Such a diverse gorgeous collection of cards. Well done everyone! Thankyou for sharing Grace!
Lovely selection!!!! Greatworth ideas for the future!
Great for ideas…
Always love seeing the fabulous creativity from the Clarity community! Hope you have a great weekend Grace x
Thanks Grace. Haven’t posted for a long time so feeling pretty stunned, but chuffed, that you picked out my wee cards. Enjoy Mark’s visit.
Congratulations, Grace. Very well done. Have a lovely time with your baby brother and his girlfriend. Take care. Love Hilda
Great collection of work as usual. Have a god weekend with your brother. I’ve downloaded the new book and am still listening to the first one. X
Hi Grace, thank you for including my two cards-I’m feeling chuffed that you picked them.
Enjoy the weekend with your brother and I’m so glad to here that the hurricane missed you.
Thanks again x
So glad you had a nice break away and that the audio book is finally finished. Really missed last week’s Saturday share so it’s lovely to see the diverse creations again this week. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of beautiful artwork that is produced by everyone week after week. Thank you all.
This selection are absolutely stunning. Such talented people out there, and speaking of talented people, Huge congratulations on your 2nd audio book.
Enjoy your weekend Grace. xx
Having grown up around people that constantly belittled me as a child and young girl, luckily in my adult life I’m now surrounded by kindness and love. That to see a piece of my work displayed for all to see just fills me with so much pride. I do still lack confidence but doing parchment has helped me so very much.
So thank you very very much for displaying my card. This is going to a lady I care for she will be 98 this October and absolutely loves my parchment work. She inspects each piece with her magnifying glass. A truly wonderful lady.