Saturday Share Blog
Hello hello! Grace here.
I hope this finds you enjoying your Saturday.
What a week it has been! As many of you know (from the SHAC) my lovely Grandad went into a nursing home on Tuesday. Much better than the hospital he’s been stuck in, and he’s settling in well. He seems much calmer and happier, day by day, and what more can you ask for really? Some of you may have also noticed how much calmer and happier my lovely Mum was too, in Thursday’s Shac Shack.
It trickles down you see… Suddenly I’m a calmer and happier version of myself too.
In her excitement, Mum told many of you in the Shac about an audiobook I’ve been working on the last week or so. Another thing to be grateful for! I very much enjoyed watching how excited Mum got just talking about it! It’s infectious.
Other than that, all is the same and good! We’re off to New Jersey this weekend to celebrate the 30th birthday of one of my best friends, Mary. To know her is to love her! And I’m excited to spend the weekend with a good friend, in a new place that I’ve never been.
As I’m typing this, I just got a HUGE wave of gratitude and perspective. Remember when we couldn’t go anywhere? Or see anyone? I’m just excited to be doing something NORMAL.
Even the little things, like Mum going to pottery the other night, or being able to visit grandad every day this week. These are things that we can’t take for granted, for it wasn’t that long ago that even the simplest of things weren’t possible. Gratitude gratitude.
Something else I’m grateful for, week after week? Your breathtaking artwork! You continue to share your Clarity work day after day. And thank god you do. We’re welcoming a lot of new members to the group too, and I’m sure each time you post that you’re encouraging others to do the same.
Let’s relax for a little while and have a gander through the stunning cards I picked this week! It doesn’t matter how intricate or simple the cards are, they just spoke to me, for various reasons. And so here they are…

Wow! Aren’t they brilliant?! I am grinning from ear to ear today at how impressive these cards are. So much character, so much talent! I love taking the time to look at each card and notice things I didn’t at first glance. There’s always something.
When you think about the fact that many of these cards are then also being gifted to someone, for some reason, it moves me even more. The time, creativity, and thought often put into each card, for some special person somewhere.
It’s beautiful really, what you do, on so many levels.
Travel gently, friends.
Lotsa love, Grace xo
Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft, and Well-Being.
What a great selection of cards to showcase Grace. Well done! I really enjoyed watching your Mum telling us of your new venture and seeing her absolute pride and joy. Congratulations.
So pleased that your Granddad is settled into a good care home for respite. A relief for you all.
Enjoy your time with you friend and make some happy, precious memories
Great artwork again! What a lot of talent there is out there! Thanks for showcasing these , Grace.
Thank you very much Grace for showing my card and all cards. It is great to see all these cards on FB, sharing inspiration. Thank you for your encouraging and kind words. Thank you for giving these good news of your grandad.
Sending « Heart vibes » to you all 💕
Fabulous art work as usual, so many talented people out there.
Good news about your grandad. Wishing you all well.
Thank you Grace for including my card. So many beautiful ones again and it is so lovely to see them all. have a great weekend in New Jersey. Take care and stay safe. xx
Thank you so much Grace for showing my New Baby Boy card. I love my Saturday mornings, everyone still in bed, a steaming cup of coffee and the Clarity Matters Blog, my Saturday mornings made 🥰 well done everyone, absolutely stunning work as always xxxx
Such gorgeous cards, loving those grinning gnomes they are a close second to the poppets in cuteness appeal.
Thinking of your Mum and you all, glad Grandad is doing a bit better. I was going through the exact same thing a few months ago, very stressful and worrying, I did notice the lift in Mums face between last Monday and Thursday shac shack. Heart goes out to you all.
Glad your Grandad is doing better, it must be such a relief to all the family.
The artwork as usual is stunning..
Enjoy your trip to New Jersey, safe travels.
Thank you for including my cards in what is another fantastic selection of cards & art projects this week. Its nice to see that people are going back to the earlier SHAC sessions & doing the doodles that now seems so long ago but was a lifeline at the time. My gnomes are on their way so I should be able to play with them next week. I have been trying to finish off a pile of UFO’s that had accumulated at various stages of whitework & colouring this week whilst being housebound because of Covid.Its has been nice to be able to sit crafting & ignore the housework.
Good news about your Grandad & peace of mind for all of you that he is being looked after 24/7 without the pressure on your Oma. Being much closer your Mom can pop in more easily to see him as well.
Enjoy your weekend in New Jersey, as you say its nice to be able to do ”normal” things but stay safe as this is what we thought last weekend when we went to London xx
Beautiful cards again as always Grace. So very glad your grandad is doing better, im sure its a bit of a weight off your mums mind. Have fun on your travels and stay safe xx
Grace well done with your news of audible books. Your voice will reach millions – there,s a thought. I wait for the one with that Scottish accent. Love Elizabeth. X
Thank you Grace for the beautiful Saturday Share. Congratulations also on your audio book and was lovely seeing your mom so happy on Thursday. Im happy for you all that your grandad is settled. I know what you are going through as have been there with my dad. Have a lovely weekend with your friend and sending best wishes. X
Lovely selection of cards. Pleased to hear your Grandad is improving, and settling into the nursing home. Enjoy your weekend. xx
Brilliant art work again this week what a talented lot we have in this group. So glad to see your mum so happy on Thursday knowing that your Grandpa was near by and she could pop in to visit him. She was also a very proud mum well done Grace can’t wait to have a listen to this book. Have fun and enjoy your weekend.
Another selection of loveliness to ogle over again, thank you to everyone who posts. So glad to hear your Grandpa is being looked after well. It’s not until a move like that happens that you realise just how draining and stressful the whole situation has been. I know for me it was just as though a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders just knowing that my Mum was being really well cared for 24/7 and that I could see her whenever. Have a lovely weekend xxx
Hi Grace.
So pleased to hear about grandad. It’s been a stressful time for the family. Thank you for including my card. Am astonished to be among such talented works of art.
Beautiful selection of artwork. The relief did show on your Mum’s face and it was lovely to see and I’m sure this is replicate throughout the family. Have a wonderful time with one of your besties.
Thank you, Grace, for including my card in this week’s share – it’s such a boost!
My thoughts are with you and your whole family and I’m so glad that things have taken a turn for the better. One day at a time, as a very wise woman is wont to say! Enjoy each blessed hour, the present is a gift.
Thanks Grace, and well done to everyone whose fabulous artwork was showcased today – such a talented bunch! So pleased your grandad is settling in at his care home – sending you, your mum, your grandad (and of course, your oma), lots of love. x ❤️
Thank you so much for including my card in the Saturday Share Grace. There is so much talent in these groups and I get so much inspiration from them. It’s great news about your Grandad; just being out of hospital will give everyone a boost. Enjoy New Jersey xx
As always a day late to seeing the blog. I am glad to hear that your grandad is getting looked after in a home now, rather than hospital and that he is taking to it. Best wishes to you all! Thank you so much for selecting my card: It is such a thrill to have work acknowledged and it does give such a boost to the cxreative juices. It really made my day when I found out. I hope summer is happening where you are as it has finally arrived in Stoke-on-Trent.
Beautiful selection as usual everyone ! I haven’t heard all of Thursday Shac so didn’t hear about your Audi book but look forward to knowing more – I love an audiobook. It was rather a up and down week for your Mum or vice versa perhaps that should be and how she did the Shac on Monday I don’t know as I would have been feeling just the same in my head ! I have been there when I was working on a few occasions. Anyway, sounds like it all worked out well, as things usually do, just impatient to get things sorted especially when you think you have an it falls through. Have a lovely weekend celebrating your friend’s birthday. We’ll be celebrating our friend’s 80th next weekend xx
They are all beautiful. Glad things are better for your Granddad and family xoxo