Got that Friday feeling
Hello! Grace here.
I hope this finds you all well!
Firstly, I can confirm that my Oma’s surgery went smoothly! She’s now recovering for a few days in the hospital before getting to go home. Thank you so much for ALL of your well wishes, positive energy and the Hip Hip Hooray artwork being shared on Clarity Worldwide! I’m still collecting & saving them this week, if you still want to share.
This weekend is going to be another low key one. Perhaps some more organizing and clearing, to clear out the head.
Definitely not going to IKEA! 😉
As usual, I enjoyed spending some time searching through Facebook and found this week’s lovely Groovi SHAC challenge cards. I was rather impressed again! Have a gander at these…
Talented bunch. Out of interest, which challenge (of 22) has been your favourite? You can find them all here!
And if you’ve never done any of them, why not pick one and try them out? They’re essentially just inspirational projects to get you motivated or to be used a jumping board…
I personally love seeing all of your individual styles put onto the same projects, and seeing how different but brilliant they turn out to be. I reckon that you could take the names away each week, and I’d be able to guess a handful correctly just based off your styles and choices. That’s pretty cool…
Here is the next wonderful Groovi SHAC download! Oooh I reeeeally like this one. Hazel Edwards, you’ve outdone yourself!
Catch you tomorrow!
Lotsa love, Grace x
Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft and Well-being.
So glad your Oma’s surgery went well. Here’s to a speedy recovery!
Great cards.
Hi Grace, thanks for updating us on your Oma’s progress. Lets hope she is home soon as I am sure she will feel much happier when she is back in familiar surroundings with your Grandad.
Another lovely selection of Groovi Shac cards again this week, I lost track of time as I was searching for a stencil that has disappeared into that black hole that we all seem to have in our craft space. You can bet when I order another one it will suddenly appear from nowhere.
Enjoy your weekend – hope you manage to have some relaxing time – the sun has been quite pleasant this week so hope it has been with you to.
Great news about your Oma, Grace. I love looking at the designs, I’ve still got lots to catch up with but know they’re there when I need some inspiration. It’s been doctors appointments all round this week. Hubby diagnosed with diabetes – under control and I’ve had two blood tests – only two because the first one wasn’t labeled properly apparently ! Anyway we’re all well Enough so so far so good I think. Love the leaves challenge this week – that reminds me I have to get my PTC sorted too ! Have a good weekend xx
So pleased to hear your Oma’s surgery has gone well, and she’s now resting and recovering. Sending lots of thoughts and prayers her way, and for the family too 🙂
Take care, C
Hi Grace I am so pleased that your Oma’s surgery went well. I do hope that she has a speedy recovery. Have a good weekend. No trips to IKEA for us either. Take care. Hugs xxx
Thank you Grace, I love this one too and it was nice to make an easel card for a standard square card.
So pleased to hear that Oma is progressing well…. such a relief for everyone and we are praying for her good health and recovery to continue. Stay safe Grace xxxxx
Hi Grace
The cards you have chosen this week are beautiful. Thank you for letting us know Oma’s surgery went well. Hopefully she will be home soon back with granddad. I hope mum has had some rest too. Enjoy your weekend chilling and relaxing.
Love Diane xx
Great News! Beautiful cards. Have a really wonderful weekend.
Lovely cards Grace. Such inspiration.
So pleased your Oma’s surgery was successful. I hope she is home soon and continuing her recuperation. I hope Barbara is benefitting from some of the pressures being taken off her shoulders.
I have only been to IKEA once and that was enough. I don’t do online.
Have a peaceful weekend.
Great to hear that Oma’s operation went well, I hope she gets to go home soon.
I didn’t realise how much I relied on your Mum and the SHAC SHACK. This week has found me very discombobulated!
Have a good weekend. Xx
So glad your Oma’s surgery went well, I wish her now a speedy recovery.
Thanks for choosing my card, all the cards are beautiful, well done ladies.
Oh Grace, it would be so hard to choose just one of the projects as a favourite. I would have to say, some of the early ones using Tina’s plates were my favourites, mainly because I had all the plates needed and therefore didn’t need to think for myself and improvise. I’m a very unimaginative person and enjoy just following instructions.
Pleased everything went well for your Oma, must be a great relief for the family. Here’s wishing her a speedy recovery.
Beautiful cards, these frames are among my favourites, simple and elegant. Looking forward to trying out pattern number 23.
We are dipping into Autumn and Christmas is just around the corner, but I was amazed to see a magazine and some shops with Easter goods. Think this is a little bit early, after all we still have Valentines Day in between !!!!!
Stay safe Grace 🍒
So glad your Oma has got through the op ok and will be home soon! Thank you for picking my card again, really haven’t had much time this week. There were some great cards again this week and having seen this weeks download I know I will be going off piste again as I done have the plates so watch this space!
I think I liked download 10, 15 but my favourite was 21, or maybe my adaptation of it, just love the plates I used.
Hope you have a great weekend and as usual stay safe xx
Glad to hear your Oma is recovering well. Thankyou for showing my card. I love all the downloads but I think probably 20 is a favourite.
Take care
Gaynor x
Hi Grace, so pleased to hear your Oma’s surgery went well. Here’s hoping she is back home soon for a speedy recovery. I haven’t been to IKEA, but have just bought some flat pack furniture online to create a new crafting area for myself! Now to re-organise my craft room and get back to some Clarity craftiness!
Hello Grace,
I am so pleased your Oma’s surgery went well. She will be home soon.
Congratulations to everyone showcased here.
Great news about your Oma’s hip op going well, always a relief.
Lovely artwork to inspire us all. My craft cave is almost ready and so I’ll have my own permanent craft space again soon and so lots more time for crafting yay. Take care, I always enjoy a good sort out Marie Kondo style x