In Isolation, But Not Isolated!
Happy Sunday, everyone. Jordan here. I hope you’re staying Safe, Happy and Creative.
How have you all been keeping in contact with your friends and families? Maybe you’re already having FaceTime or Skype calls with loved ones, as well as regular phone calls? Perhaps, if you’re a little more tech savvy, you’re using Google Hangouts to connect and see each other while you’re chatting? We’ve been using Google chats and hangouts to work remotely, and it’s actually been rather simple. It’s been completely essential to our working days!
I’ve seen many younger people are using an application called HouseParty to keep in contact – I think perhaps I’ll try and get my head around that one, and report back to you on how it works 🙂
Let us know in the comments how you’ve been keeping in touch with each other.
I found this rather interesting article with some ideas on how to stay connected with our loved ones during our self-isolation. Have a look below;
9 Ways to Stay Connected During Social Distancing
These little ways and means of connectivity will see us through. And aren’t we so lucky to have all this technology connecting us?
Speaking of connectivity, you can keep up with Clarity at Barbara’s Blog, our Facebook page, The Groovi Worldwide Group and the Clarity Worldwide Group, and our email newsletters. We even have a live chat on our Website now! Remember, we’re here with you to keep you company.

Stay Safe, Happy & Creative, crafters.
Clarity Matters. It really does.
Until tomorrow 🙂
Jordan x
Hi Jordan. Yes its amazing how technology is helping us all keep in contact. My granddaughters dance & performing arts teacher has set up a timetable with half hour chats with each of her classes so they can all keep in touch. She has also set up a virtual festival as the local one that they had all been working towards in May has been cancelled. The girls sent me a copy of their entries last night so I have 4 songs to listen to when ever I feel like it.
Even my 91 year old mother is getting her head round how to use her ipad to keep in contact via face time – we did end up having to pay for a phone call as it went over the hour last week whilst trying to explain what she needed to do but if it meant her been able to stay in contact so be it.
I have heard of communities setting up WhatsApp groups to keep in contact so the housebound are able to communicate & ask for help from their neighbours with out having to go outside.
Hi Jordan, thanks for the blogging, really good to keep in touch with the Clarity Family along side Barb’s Blog and the fb pages. I’m keeping in touch with family and friends using Zoom – it’s just so easy and versatile. So far I have had craft workshops and classes using it and even yoga and meditation classes – my diary is looking fuller than it normally does!!! I now feel part of life because everybody has come into my world! I have PTSD and I am unable to leave the house so usually retreats, classes etc are not accessible for me and I feel very isolated from the outside world but now there is no outside world, and for a while I have a life to live that needs to be savoured – sorry if that sounds selfish. I am as terrified as everyone else and anxiety sits permanently on my shoulder but for a while I can feel like the real me something I thought had been lost forever.
Thanks again
Take care, stay safe everyone x
It’s interesting how isolation is seen as an issue when it affects a lot of the population but it has been reality for a lot of disabled people for decades. I hope we are going to remember the lessons when normality resumes and offer a kinder world. The extra people involved now know there is an end in sight whereas the people normally housebound face it forever.
It’s been hailing for hours here. I hope the new plants survive. Well, I brought them from the last place and planted them out the day before yesterday, not seedlings. Fingers crossed. Somehow that wasn’t my understanding from the weather forecast when it said there was a three per cent chance of rain.
It’s so important that we all stay in touch with friends & family whilst we’re all isolated. I’ve been using an app called Zoom – its got a basic plan that’s free to use, and is unlimited for time if it’s just 1:1. Spent 2 hours online with my crafting buddy on Friday afternoon as we couldn’t get together. We usually sit at the table across from each other, so this time she was across from me on my laptop. It makes such a difference when you can see people, even if it is just online. We had a family video call this afternoon as well, with me, my sons, my sister and my nieces. We’ll do that every Sunday afternoon now.
Hello Jordan, do hope that you are keeping well too! Our son works in tech, so years ago he set us up on hangouts for messaging but now we can see them too via the video link! We also use FaceTime for the rest of the family including my 95 year old mother who is in isolation due to her age and ailments. It’s lovely to be able to see her via the iPad. Last week our daughter set up a quiz on Skype for all our family. It was fun and noisy but kept us bouyant! I am doing a small amount of craft most days but I’m varying it! The last few days have been too cold for me to garden but when it’s a bit warmer, like the beginning of last week, I shall be out there trying to get the garden in order!!
Thankyou for all that you are doing to keep us all occupied! X