Some Clarity Matters!
Hi there friends, Stuart here with some more Clarity matters for you.
And, being Tuesday, Clarity matters involve our YouTube tutorials. And we’d like to throw a little light on this bright and colourful work of art, brought to life by Barbara Gray. It uses stamps, matching masks and magic of Distress Oxide inks. It’s one of those slightly unpredictable techniques that is going to look a bit different every time you do it. Plus, it’s a great way to learn how to make the most out of 3-way Overlay stamps. You don’t just need to use them all at once. Each individual 3-way has its own unique potential, and this is a great way to expand your knowledge and learn to think outside the box when it comes to being creative, and we hope you’ll really enjoy it! Click the image below to view it!

As well as the tutorial, we’ve got a sweet 20% off all the bits needed to create this mini-masterpiece, including those delightful 3-way Overlays. So why not check out the website, grab what you need at a bargain price, and sit down with a cup of tea and let Barbara guide you through the creative process on YouTube.

Since May is nearly over, it’s also worth mentioning our Products of the Month. You’ve got just shy of a week left to get yourself one of these beauties. It’s our Dandelion Design and it’s beautifully unique and stylish. I love it. It’s such an imaginative interpretation of a dandelion but it really does the job. Just a hint of abstraction really enhances a design, I think!
May, nearly over already? Boy oh boy, this year is going quick, and to think we’ve spent so much of it in Lockdown! Well, as long as we’re having to limit our freedom for the greater good, Clarity is here for you. Take advantage of our free content like YouTube tutorials, Barbara Live on Facebook every day, and our Groovi project downloads sent via email each week. We’re here to keep you company and to help you make it through with your peace of mind and sense of wellbeing all intact!
If you haven’t signed up to receive Clarity emails, then either visit our website or click the banner below. It’s the best way to ensure you everything I’ve mentioned above, (including that Groovi project sheet), finds its way to you!

That’s all from me.
Clarity Matter. It really does.